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out again od

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Well lads after last week i thought i'd give those drags another go,as you can guess most of the land i hunt over is heavily covered in bramble and gorse valley's, and alot of open farmland,after meeting on the farm at 10 am having a chat on where i was starting off we went,first cover hounds entered within a minute they were away ,running down through the cover,the drag popped out the bottom ran back up the field and popped back in behind the hounds from where he was first found,hounds came around on him dropped back in hunted down a bit and marked him in ,couple of blows and the terriers were there,it was a big old place about 20 holes,2-3 farmers stood up on the fields on the righthand side with guns,while 1 lad stayed on the left with his lurcher,i decided to go on and leave it to them,i got down about a field away next thing there was a loud holla,the drag had bolted ,lurcher away just missing him ,he got back to the cover and away ,hounds by now was running back, hitting his line and away out of the cover across the fields ,crossing the road and away in the opposite direction from everyone,they hunted him for a mile or two losing him on the road ,a good start,taking hounds back i found out that the lurchers had accounted for one while i was away ,hunted down under the farm hounds were back in action again ,scent was tidy a good cry with them ,a few shot's went off accounting for another two,hounds took one away from the cover crossing out over a few fields running into the next piece of cover,this place was a large patch ,always been good to me over the years,they were running now in a piece of marshland hitting another drag off making hounds split,half the pack turned left handed going up the wood crossing out over the fields in full view of us,dropping back into another cover further on,while the other pack went right handed hunting up into the valley,because of the view i carried on watching the first group,real good music coming from both packs ,the drag once again broke back to the field,but this time hounds were only 20 yards behind him,how he made the cover i don't know but he did ,hounds marking him to ground,meanwhile the others were still going well further up the valley,a couple of shots had been heard,but hounds seemed as if they were coming back down to us,crossing under us and heading up the wood,the hounds that were marking came off and joined the others,hunting around the top of the wood also running this one in the same place as the last one,blow to ground the terriers were all ready waiting there,another two accounted for,it came over the cb also that they had shot two up the valley,and the lurchers had coursed one into another place,time was getting on now for 2'30 and it was getting pretty hot ,putting hounds into the next place they found in the gorse,going off at a fast pace ,i noticed one of my welsh bitches not looking to clever,falling all over the place ,she had run herself to a standstill and just collapsed,a shot down the wood had accounted for that one they had put out ,i called it a day ,fairplay to one of the lads he carried the bitch back to the trailer,from which we were a good distance away from,putting her in the back of the jeep on her own,she started coming around a bit before we left,by the time we got back home she could sit up and stand on her own,i gave her a wash a jab of b12,and she tucked into some food ,she's good now thank god



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