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Weihrauch hw97kt tuned ???

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I have had my 97 for about 8 months now and I was thinking about getting it tuned. Could someone please full me in on how this will improve my rifle and will it be worth the money. Also I live in Northern Ireland and I don't know any places that do this, does anybody know if tannyoky guns&ammo in Nerwy can do it ?

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A proper tune will smooth out the action and make the rifle a pleasure to shoot with. The HW97 lends itself particularly well to tuning. As for Tanny-wotsit...Why don't you ask them Michael ? ;)



Edited by pianoman
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Not unless you change the original Weihrauch spring to a more powerful one like a Titan No.2 Michael. If you want superbly reliable accuracy with real punch above sub 12ft/tlbs power. I would go for a Weihrauch HW80 every time. That is a truly fantastic rifle at FAC-level performance.


Edited to add:


By all means tune your HW97 to sweeten and smooth the trigger, cocking cycle and firing character, that will help improve its accuracy as you hold and shoot it in your hands; but don't try to up the power. The HW97s elder sister, the HW77 does not like FAC-level tuning and I figure it will be the same with the 97'. At sub 12ft/lbs they are both truly beautiful rifles to shoot, with astonishing levels of accuracy -and that's where they should stay, in my book.



Edited by pianoman
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