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The plans were set early in the week farmers informed and meeting place and time finalized. as the week went on more and more phones calls came in from boys unable to make it. some pretty original excuses too. lol :laugh:


needless to as we started our journey early this morning we were down to a skeleton crew but we were excited for what untold action could prevail. as we drove down to the farm yard we passed the first wood to be work. the cover look a bit dense to say the least . the brambles were about 4 foot high right across the bottom ( oh well a few more hours of splinter pulling lol).


after a quick chat with the farmer we were off. we decided that there wasn't enough of us to surround the wood so i walked with the boys in front at my flanks and one with me. we forced our way thou some tight cover and covered a fair bit of ground only to see bored little hound look up to me as if to say were are they then. after more cover we headed for a fur wood across the field.


in went the hounds and something smelly got there tails wagging and there tongues singing. they followed a stream a good way then they lost and came back. i started to cast again a little further up and they were off again this time i could not stay with them. i could hear them echoing below me.when a crackle on the radio informed me that a large red rabbit had slipped away just above me. after a quick sprint i managed to see him slip back into to first wood. ( he should have been accounted for)


mean while music was still happening below at a slower pace now. so with that line in the memory bank i made my way back to them. out of the wood they came picking and opening as they went back to the first wood again. all the rushing about came to a stop in a large berry.(TIME FOR A BREAK)


a bottle of lucozade's finest and a few sandwiches later. it was time for the last wood which hunted much the same as the first :cray: . so after a cold start and sweaty day it was time to head for home and a long soak. maybe we'll see that red rabbit when the cover has died back a tad more.

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Always suprised the Amount of " Keen " hunters there are...Get an Offer and all of a sudden ,Busy...got something of their Own on :hmm: at least your getting call backs,Not a big suprise on the Day.. :laugh:


did get a text at 5 this morning. :huh:

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