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A Call to Boycott WHSmiths

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WHSmith have decided to take it upon themselves to ban people under the age of 14 from buying shooting magazines :icon_eek:



BASC has condemned the decision by WHSmith to stop under 14-year-olds from buying shooting magazines.

The company says it has taken this decision in the erroneous belief that 14 is the legal age for "obtaining" a firearm. In fact, there are many age limits in firearms legislation and 14 is not one of them.


Those under 14-years-old can shoot if supervised by an adult. This occurs across the country with parents and guardians, in shooting clubs, the Cadet corps and the Scout movement.



We have a government for deciding age limits for things, we dont need private companies deciding what is right and wrong.




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Strange considering under 14's can purchase playstation/XBOX/PC magazines, reviewing games where you shoot the s**t out of every thing imaginable and unimaginable with every gun imaginable and unimaginable :hmm:


Even stranger....... any legally acceptable pornographic magazine displayed on the top shelf of a newsagent can be sold legally to anyone of any age.

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Strange considering under 14's can purchase playstation/XBOX/PC magazines, reviewing games where you shoot the s**t out of every thing imaginable and unimaginable with every gun imaginable and unimaginable :hmm:


Even stranger....... any legally acceptable pornographic magazine displayed on the top shelf of a newsagent can be sold legally to anyone of any age.


Yes it disgusts me to the core ..............................cracking profile pic by the way :icon_eek:

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It is ridiculous that a private company can in effect write laws to suite themselves without any interference from the countries official Law makers.

Surely preventing a young person from buying a legal magazine is breaching that young persons Human Rights? Hey if criminals, terrorists and illegal (and legal) immagrants can use the Human Rights to get their way why cant we?


Who is up for helping me get this pathetic 'Policy' of the company overturned?




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Who cares. f**k them. Not as if many people go in the shop to buy 18 games for kids??? I know my 11yr old has black ops etc? Lol how many of you as a kid (maybe not depending on age) asked people to get you fags an drink? Kids still get their hands on it. I know its pathetic, but not many kids are in to shooting and their relatives not? Most kids who like guns but parents don't won't dream of buying them a gun? So really, their not achieving anything are they? I don't really see the point in mags, everything is on the net...any how many KIDS are better on the net than there parents these days? Lol its just stupid if you ask me. Don't take a blind bit of notice...mind you those mags have all the BEST stuff, have you noticed? Hahaha il still spend £4 on them even though every product is good on the market. Atb

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The point is Rob,


It is an infringement on the Shooters Right's.

Just another step on the ladder to the removal of shooting sports from the UK :yes:

The Anti's scream the loudest dont they? They get what they want.

LACS are sucking Dick of WHS, maybe they think that by restricting the youngsters they wont become shooters because at 14 they'll be too busy chasing girls and boys or they will be more into xbox rather than out there with a real gun.


We need to make ourselves heard instead of cowering in the corner or having the "I dont give a feck" attitude.

The gun mags were an integral part of me growing up, far more interesting to read than a boring old math or french book in lessons. But the point is if it were not for the mags available to me back then I would probably not be the shooter I am today.




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