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Having only had older rescue lurchers, I now have a pup which I got at 9 weeks.

He is now 11 weeks;

eventually when he is old enough I want to work him.


His house training is coming on

sits for meals and when encouraged

fetches and brings toys back to hand and releases them.

Starting to recognise his name. (not easy in a household of five dogs).


Come on then tips and advice please I've only trained labs from pups before.



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Nice looking pup sir and what ive read your doing fine enough with him for now ;) but over the next year or so he needs to learn a bit more,stock breaking,jumping and all the above youve mentioned at a pace hes happy with so as you dont sour him.

The way i see it is when you get your pup home your starting with a blank canvass and then its up to you to fill in the picture with your own training methods over the next year or so to shape your dog to what you want it to do,so if your going to work him with ferrets introduce him to ferrets at a early age ect

Over the next year or so feed him well,spend as much time with him as you can to build a bond between the two of you as this brings the best out in a working lurcher,be patience when at some point it goes tits up with his training,go back to the start again and you will get there in the end,as he matures and gets stonger in bone and muscle his mind should start to sharpen aswell with less distractions to your commands of stay,sit and come here ect, then its time to introduce him to quarry gradually ,but this my freind is the next chapter for him,you and your lurcher are a bit away from this stage for now..........all in good time.

Im sure you will get more tips with him on here sir as there are some good expeirenced dog people on here who will be all too happy to help ;) all the best with him pal, Gary

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