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Belt Pouch for CluLite Battery Pack ?

Guest Ditch_Shitter

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Just wondering. Only I have a CluLite 'Shootalite' rig here and my battery is the shoulder strap sort. Of course, being right handed, I sling it over my soulder so the battery's on my left side. That means the strap is weighing on my right shoulder. Exactly where my rifle is carried. Quite frankly; The combined cutting into my right shoulder soon becomes an issue! After a couple of miles I find myself lifting and shifting the battery in an effort to relieve the strain. It spoils a whole patrol :(


So I figured I'd get me a belt pouch to redistribute the weight of the battery. But Cluson only sell the whole deal? Bummer. Well, if no one here can point me right, I'll go to them and ask if they can't sell me just their canvas case. Except that my model of battery has a lamp handle holding slot rivitted on. I don't thing their cases are made to allow for that. So it looks like 'Army Surplus'.


My case measures; 8" Long (Inc. Handle slot). 5 1/4" High (Plus a couple of mm). 3" Wide. So, obviously I'd be looking for something damn close to that, without the thing being able to slide and wobble. I say govt / army surplus, but in these days of entire industries tuning to supply Rambo wannabee's and such, there's so much " Webbing " kit out there.


Anyone been down this road already and found The answer, please? It has to be belt wearable. Beyond that, as I won't be taking it out of its pouch a lot, closures etc. aren't that important. As long as it can be closed and not let the battery pack fall out as I go under a wire or across a ditch. But ye'd know that ;)


Anyone got anything for me, please?

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Guest JohnGalway

This isn't belt wearable but if you have a backpack already with comfortable shoulder straps there's your answer. Stick the battery inside with a towel wrapped around it to stop it moving around, job done. Also you can carry spare gear for repairs or extra whatever you may need.

Edited by JohnGalway
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they do sel the pouches seperate mate look at johnsons or auther carter. but there is an esier and cheaper solution , get yourself down to your local market and look on tha bag stalls that sell siutcases right down to wallets.


and get a leather look BUM BAG, just make sure no one sees you wearing it :clapper: serriously though mate those 7 amp fit in no probs :yes:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Wow! Hell of a response! Thanks lads :good:


So many leads and suggestions to follow up here ~ and cheers for the PM, Points ~ I'll work my way through it all and shall let you guys know how I get on.


Unfortunatley, not too much can happen before the end of the month as I'm flat broke just now (owed plenty. Getting paid f*ck all :rolleyes:) But this is about as high a priority with me right now as getting my trigger thing sorted. I'll have to buy that from uk at twice the list price :( Still, get my rig in shape and it'll all be worth while, eh?


Nothing worse than trying to work with nagging problems, is there?

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

" Bry "; Please PM me again, mate. Ye hit another member last time and they forewarded it to me. Only, there being nore than one 'Bry' on here, I wasn't sure who to reply to ;)


Thanks, mate! :good:

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" Bry "; Please PM me again, mate. Ye hit another member last time and they forewarded it to me. Only, there being nore than one 'Bry' on here, I wasn't sure who to reply to ;)


Thanks, mate! :good:

ok mate i got a double belt pouch down the shed (takes 2x 7amp bats) i will go see if its ok :) , if it is u can have it mate :D


Bry (pestbry) lol

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:D Cheers, Bry! Was rather hoping it was you; Otherwise there would've been a mystery! :whistle:

Just been to check the belt down the shed, i must have taken 1 of the carry pouches off :( and it needs a bit of tread in 1 corner. Still take a 7amp battery tho , its ures if u want it ? pm [bANNED TEXT] details if so :)




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