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out yesterday for mooch bout and a bunny broke cover,,, lurcher gave chase and it went over a dicth,,,, heard a loud thud but no yelp or any thing,,,dog came back very very slight limp checked all pads to see if there was any cuts there wasent,,,,but when i got home i noticed instead of pointing down the dew claw was pointing out sideways off the leg,,,very very small amount of blood just a few drops i rang vet and he said if it aint disconnected leave it be it will heal keep it clean,,,my question is this,,,,,,,,,,,, what are your opinions will she be ok with it pointing out sideways like that????????????/

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The way you have too look at it fellah, She could keep knocking her dew's up throw the season causeing 2/3 weeks off at a time too heal, And if she knocks them up 2/3 + more in a season then its going too be a very short season for you and its short enough.


If you get her dew's off, She'll be laid up for 2 wks 3 max and you can get her back out and get her back behind a few without the worrie of dews be knocked up......



Your choice fellah but id know what id choose esecially now there pointing out a bit now........ Do it once and its done or she could have problems every season with them... Best of luck fellah

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