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quick hour after work

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It's been clear skies and not a breath of wind the last few nights and iv been wanting to get out for a week or so,

There's not many bunnies round the local fields near me but its ok for a quick run and to be honest I'm happy to get 1 or 2 runs, I do go to my mates permo but my vans off the road so havnt been this season yet.


Finished work at 10 and seen the cloud, not much wind but better than nowt, left the house at 11 and got onto the first field had a shine but nothing, second fields bigger seen 2 but they were too close to cover, next field walked 3 quaters over and thought I cud see a bunny sat out, give the dog a long slip and it was tuft of graas,


Dog took the piss returning but he usually dose the first few slips of the season, went onto the next bit of field with a big 10ft wall on the top edge and couldn't believe my eyes, there must have been 15 rabbits dog ran one and it made it to the wall, as I flicked the lamp back on to check he was coming back another ran into the beam between me and the dog but luckily made it home safe,


got the dog back and had a look down the field and seen another so sent the dog down the beam,


This was a better run with the rabbit zig zagging it's way up the field to the safety of the wall the dog made a strike but missed just as the bunny made it to the cover.


Couldn't see any more so turned to walk back, had a check to see if any had come back into the field I was stood in and bingo, sent the dog down the beam and the chase was on the rabbit tried to straight line the dog and just as he made a strike the rabbit turned and made abit of ground as it headed for cover and looked like it was goin to make it when my dog appeard from the darkness and caught it about 6 ft from the hedge, he done his usual retrive which is by stopping about 2 meters short lol.


All in all a good night for my local fields, looking back I should have been stood between the wall and the rabbits but I know for next time



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