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The Hunting Life Forum October Charity Air Rifle Meet.

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Hi there,


In this episode of VerminHuntersTV you will see some of the highlights of the recent (Hunting Life Forum Charity October Air Rifle Meet) where we managed to raise over £1100 :yes: together with the funds added from the charity DVD we did, The Rise of the Verminators.


Our chosen charity is:


Treats4BritishTroops :thumbs:


Thanks to everyone that attended :signthankspin:, your all stars :notworthy: and really made the meet special and one to remember :yes: .


Hopefully I have managed to show the meet and capture it in its true light in the editing Ive done.


Please enjoy





Edited by zini
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Really enjoyed the vid and the day Si. It was our first THL meet and a big thanks to all the members for making us so welcome. It was a fantastic sum raised for a very worthy cause. Well done to all who attended and thanks to you Davey and Charlie for all you hard work.

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Brightened my morning up watching this,was good to see new faces attending and some top shooting taking place.IMHO everyone is a winner who attends these meets ,some have to take holidays of work,and also digging deep when times are hard to help a very worthy charity.Hats off to you all ,and I hope to make the next THL meet in January .ATVB...Ste

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Si buddy dear dear. I video'd the weekend and thought you were going to do a voiceover over my recordings. You can hear me talking in the background like a country bumpkin, if i had known you were going to leave my voice on the video i would have put my posh voice on. Then i would of sounded more like Sir Richard Attingborough rather than a person that was related to someone that was seen i Deliverence (sqeel like a pig).

Another thing is i can't remember signing a disclaimer for you to use my voice. lol


Just glad you could use some of it




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