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It's Started

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Well thought it about time that i took the ol faithful tikka semi custom out and made an effort to reduce the fox numbers before lambing,

left the house at 9 to be in farmers street for 9-30, He's a long standing friend and his farm is placed at the bottom of a mountain range

so ideal with plenty of backstops,


the night started of quiet, and 40 mins into the patrol we spotted our first fox, no doubt been shot at a few time as as soon as the light hit it

off it shot, bolting through rushes and crossing into open field making for the fenceline i gave a call and it stopped, looking like

a fairly close shot i let the .243 87g v max ring out into the night sky, followed by that sound when you know its reached the spot you

wanted it to be in, :) 1st of the season in the bag... 158 yarder dog fox,


Off we went on patrol to a few local farms as the night was young, only too see nothing at all, heading back to home turf slightly after 12

we counted 6 more foxes on his land only too cunning for our first night out, we played cat and mouse for an hour trying our best

to find a culprit who wasnt so switched on,


We were throwing in the towel when driving back to his home i lamped out the jeep window one last time, surveying all i cuold take in,

and right out at the edge of the light beam we spotted the those eyes peering into the night sky,


after opening a series of gates we started to make our way up the fields, to the base of the hills, looking out across a little valley we made our stand,

wind now somwwhat stronger blower into our 11 o clock, we lit up the area only to see a fox merge into the now dying brown rushes,


not giving up i ranged the distance to last spotted area, at 241 yards, it broke cover paying litte attention to the light,

wind perfect i dialled up the 8 clicked i needed and took a pause, my heart now letting me know the pressure was on,

as i could see the rise and fall of the crosshair on my foe, exhale and i sent the round on its way,


Bingo the farmer shouted as it just slumped, walking over a few fences i fiinally reached the fox and ranged to jeep at 248 yards

a vixen this time in great condition,


Not a bad start to the night, only thinking of what could off been with all the other sightings so heres hoping

i'll have another night out in the near future,







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plenty about anyway john, dont know what its like with you, but i hope bag a good few here, although

already its proving rather difficult, lamp shy, as some young fellas around here dont stop at any time,


take her handy,



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