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Pups battering eachother

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Hey up lads, as you can tell from the title my two lakeland bitch pups have decided today they want to have a go at eachother. Basically my mrs took em to her mum n dads livery yard and left em coupled up ...needless to say they had a right go claret etc. Now they cant be together without it kicking off theyre 5 months old do i keep em separate or let em sort it out. Whats youre views?

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i have a bitch here with two other russells and i let them sort it out .......................but depends on how bad it is ..............mine has a nip end of

but some latch on and cause a few problems ...............sounds like yours probably need splitting up as its non stop but you know your own dogs better and you have to make decision

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To be honest since ive had em theyve always been good together in kennels and on the couple when out with my other older dog. But ive come home from working away and had this dropped on me. I thought she was exadurating but they had a proper lock on eachother in front of me ,so ive separated em now in the kennels. Ive had bull bred stuff before but these two have some right edge on em but going at eachother is new.

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Had the exact same thing with my 2 lake/pat cross one would not back down near enuf the same age as urs dosnt matter what I tried ended up gifting one too a friend so I can still see it work got to the point it would be a fight over a leaf blowing past them Or any thing stupid still think that there not right in the head

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they dont have to be from same litter, same age or same stats................when two terriers dont get on .......thats it .

me mates got two and there fine kenneled next to each other let them out and they want to kill each other

if you can keep them seperated theres no reason why you cant keep both ,................unless your using them as a pack then you got no choice but to get rid of one

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Guest Leveller

Seperate, seperate, seperate, even then sometimes that's not enough. I lost a dog last year in a kennel fight he was killed by his son and they were even in seperate kennels he managed to get a grip through the bars and that was the end unfortunately. My kennels now go bitch, dog, bitch, etc alternating and I've had to add weld mesh to prevent anything like that ever happening again.

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Deffo got to keep 'em seperated now. Once they start they can never be trusted again. I've found in the past, 2 bitches are far worse for scrapping with each other than dogs. They can never be left unattended together again once they've taken a dislike to each other. All the best with them mate & i hope it works out ok.

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Keep them seperate and like has already been said kennel em dog bitch dog bitch unless you have a solid wall between them, mates dog got seriously damaged from siblings fighting under the panel dividing their runs... Took over a year for the sibling who was injured to walk without a very severe limp


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