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Just picked up a big 5 litre bottle of cod liver oil at a good price.


Was gonna give the lurcher a 5ml spoon every night on her meal and the terrier half a spoon.


Can you give too much?


What doses do other people give?





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just out of interest where and how much did you pay? mine has just run out!

because mine are on meat i use the codliver oil to mix the veg up with, just enough to cover the veg, say twice a week.


5 litre for £20. Think it's off the back of a lorry but I didn't ask questions!

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I fill up a old washing liquid bottle from the 5ltr container then when i feed tripe and mixer biscuit i just give the meal a quick squirt from the bottle.


Thanks. How often do you feed tripe and mixer? Couple of times a week?

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