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June 2013 THL Airgun Section Shooting Meet

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i know a couple of lasses that like a spit roast...

Is everyone happy with the intended location of the raised funds?   I.E the scouts?   Si.

Camping will be on some of my permission not far from the club grounds as it stands and a fire and hunting is fine

Tony I have read your post in full sir. Darts it was before and darts it is to be again. No mercy, no playing about. You'd better win the toss and keep sharp on target, all the way round the board to the bell laddie.


Just one little missed shot and out you go; thrashed....again!! :laugh:


But, you can drink my whisky like a true friend afterwards. :thumbs:


Best wishes to you my dear lad. :thumbs:



:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

As long as I can use my rifle Simon :yes: I had to pull out of the last meets shooting and comp :cray: I only fired two shots all weekend with Si's springer and although I didn't say it at the time it fecking hurt!

I've finally transfered to a local GP now and am off to get a "Professional" diagnosis tonight. I may just have to learn to shoot left handed with a stick instead of my right arm! At the moment I can litterally only shoot from the bipod at the moment :cray:



Count me in please :boogy: + breakfast :thumbs:


EXCELLENT news Joey. Look forward to see you again :yes: will you be bringing D and the lil monsters?


i know a couple of lasses that like a spit roast...


Bring em with yah Wurz, I could do with some excercise in that department :angel:




Roasted Hog for me as well please bud :D Very decent price that is :notworthy:





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1. Si (Zini) FE Pig

2. Laura FE Pig

3. Louise FE

4. Darryl (Marksman) FE

5. Roger FE Pig

6. Wedge2409 FE

7. Daz 7 FE Pig

8. Bigmac 97kt FE

9. Adam (AR177) FE - Maybe?

10. Anne FE

11. Neil82 FE

12. Tony (Phantom) FE

13. R10 Rob FE

14. Paul (Goldminer) FE

15. Davy (DavyT63) FE

16. Craig (Buster) FE

17. Chris (Pipa) FE

18. Aaron (Risngfriend) FE

19. Gary with Aaron FE

20. Mike with Aaron FE

21. Kevin with Aaron FE

22. Lewis FE

23. Malc (GhostMaker) FE

24. Shortyhtid

25. Pianoman (Simon) +1? FE x 2

26. Rob (RK Knives & Catapults).

27. Hutch6

28. Joey (Garfield) FE

29. Webby

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Hi si

Just got back into air gunning

I'm intrested in the meet but haven't got a clue what hey entail mate




A weekend of shooting air rifles with like minded people, air rifle shooting comps, beer and good food. bonfires and bar be ques, a catapult shooting comp (so all bring your cattys) and all in all a great laugh.


The accommodation is indoors so you will need to bring a camping bed and sleeping bag.


If you want privacy then a tent to go up inside the heated hall too.


It will be about £15 to enter per person for the whole weekend I should imagine and a extra £12 for the pig roast and breakfast.


Comps will be at a fee of £1 to £2 this time due to it being just after Xmas when money is tight for most. All proceeds are going to charity.


Comps are:


Long distance shot.


Best 10 shot group (indoor range).


Catapult shoot at cans.


Airgun darts.


Urban HFT on the Sunday morning.


There are showers, toilets and a bar in the accommodation.


You will need to bring your rifles and food to cook.



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Hi si

Just got back into air gunning

I'm intrested in the meet but haven't got a clue what hey entail mate




It involves you shooting along with everbody else, having a laugh at others aswell as yourself. Eating whatever is around, you bring something to eat/drink around the bonfire. There will be what is loosely called a compotition on Sunday and more shooting and laughs. Come along and you won't regret it.



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