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fecking pissed off ! (hob now passed away)

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i now i am really gutted .


there were no problems with the hob at all before the op he was in perfect health as far as i was concerned, the only reason i wanted him to have the op was so that he could service the jills and live with them permanently


i am prity sure that who ever i repeatedly spoke to on the phone simply treated the vasectomy by the same rules as a castration and thats y they only quoted me 39 quid and said 6 months , what a f**k up


the vet that i delt with after the op seemed to now there was a f**k up 2 , he said him self that he would normaly wait for the testicals to be descended ,

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I wouldnt be paying them jack mate........he told you it would be no problem, saw the ferret and still want to cut him open before deciding he couldnt do it. Smacks of him not knowing what hes doing.

i can give you some more usefull info regarding which vets to avoid to if you want ??? lol

thank you for the offer mate vary much appreciated but 480 mile round trip a bit far for a ferret   im surprised there are still unborn litters about tho , had given up looking for this year

Gutted for you pal,seemed a nice hob too,Ive kept ferrets for over 20 years ,and to be honest vets dont seem to have any more clue now than they did back then.I tried to get my hob vasectomised earlier this year,my vet refused to do it as she had never done one before and "its very easy to cut the wrong thing",which I accepted as a fair and honest answer and looked elsewhere,after ringing many vets in manchester I was still drawing a blank.fortunatly Diggermad gave me the use of his vas hob to bring the jills out of season.If there is anything positive to be gained from current trend for keeping "pet" ferrets it will be that more vets will see,handle and treat more of them and consequently the treatment available will only improve :thumbs: give the vet a kick in the balls for me :D ATB Dave

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lol i shal give him 2 kicks mate lol


i honestly think that if i had spoken to that male vet first this wouldnt have happened , he made it quite clear that he had succesfully done the op a number of times and only when the balls were distended .


is it to late to find a litter of young kits this year ? if i get another i dont want any thing older , will only ever get baby kits in future as i had this one so tame and playfull that way

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Get in touch with watchdog, they havent done a piece on vets for a long while so im sure they may be keen, name and shame.


I know it wont bring your ferret back and im sorry for your loss but it could possibly stop them from doing it to somebody else. If not for thier incompitence and actions leading to of an animal they clearly shouldnt have been doing anything to but for the shafting you over regarding the price.



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