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no problem retrieving from water, just ask the wildfowling lads who have ESS, theres plenty of springers retrieving geese from tidal waters so rivers stream or ponds shouldnt be a bother, if the white

GR why don't me and you get a flat in fife and live for free off lab I'll bring the Lurcher, you got the gun and gundog, that and those jocks are always on here so would be easy anyway

The clue is in the name GR! Boing most springers can clear your average country fence and as for working in cover, an eager beaver will smash through it like it's not even there It's what they live

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  On 08/10/2012 at 21:43, gamerooster said:

First of, Hello all.


Recently having started a new job miles away from where i originally lived, I had to get rid of the dog I had at the time, a Coursing bred Saluki Greyhound.


Now having settled into my new job, once again i have started yearning for a dog, missing the mooching and the wandering I used to do, a time to relax and let the world go by, but at the same time doing something I enjoyed.

A couple of weeks ago, to relieve my boredom i bought myself an Air Arms S410, to pop off the local Grey Squirrel population, as well as the Coneys and the Wood-pigeons.

Hopefully if everything goes according to plan, I will also be getting a baikal stealth .410, to do the same as the air rifle, but obviously with the added advantage of shooting moving quarry.

So over these past few weeks, I have been thinking of what dog to get, do I go for the usual choice of a coursing bred dog, or maybe something a little different, maybe a Bedlington x, who knows.


But having re-kindled that enjoyment I get from shooting, I thought to myself, do I really need a running dog? When I had one, a simple walk around the local footpaths turned into interrogation having 100's of questions thrown my way e.g. what you up to, I hope you aren't poaching, you do know if the farmer see's a dog like that he will shoot it .etc .etc.


So thinking to myself, could I get a dog that could be as much use to me as a Running dog, but without the added stigma surrounding them? Having pondered upon this question for a while, I thought of a black Labrador.


But my question to all you Gun-dog men out there is, could I train said dog to mark trees with squirrels up them? mark rabbit sets whilst out ferreting? push game into long-nets and hares into gate-nets? Retreive game that i have shot, be it with the S410, the .410, or the Catty, be it from land or water? Whilst at the same time having a cracking companion, a foot warmer, and a dog that will sit at my feet all night whilst at the pub?


Hope to hear some advice on the matter, I understand its not your usual requirements of a Gun-dog.






get ya self a sandvallyxscot american bulldog do all of that and good guard dogs jack of all trades them
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