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Hello all


I'm very new to keeping lurchers, just the one season so far. I currently have a saluki cross puppy she is ten weeks old. Was just wondering what the likely impact of mixing with the kids all the time. Are there any do's and dont's? As she currently would rather play with children or other dogs. I do appreciate she is very young. Any advice re training and kids greatly received?


Many thanks



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Hello all


I'm very new to keeping lurchers, just the one season so far. I currently have a saluki cross puppy she is ten weeks old. Was just wondering what the likely impact of mixing with the kids all the time. Are there any do's and dont's? As she currently would rather play with children or other dogs. I do appreciate she is very young. Any advice re training and kids greatly received?


Many thanks



it can be a difficult balance to get right, for me i try to focus on getting the pup to adulthood without making a complete basket case of the mutt as possible, :laugh:


so for me , i minimize attention the pup gets in the house the reason for this is because the pup will associate the home as a play area and when not getting attention can become a real pain in the ass, whining , ripping cushions, chewing up stuff, when you create a mindset with a certain environment the pup is programmed to act out canine behavior in that area,


another thing i try to establish is a no touch when overly excited, this comes from the fact that an excited pup is driven to mouth when in that state which is a real problem right there with kids, i crate a pup, let him outside , let him burn off a little energy , then give attention, when he's calmer


for me every pup is a clean slate through which to mold into how i want the grown dog to behave, thats always my goal to get him to maturity without having to discipline him for situations i have created, having to discipline for jumping up is a huge one but can be prevented by never rewarding for jumping up as a pup,


i let the kids have interaction with the pup when pup and kids are calm, i ease the pups need to mouth by giving large bones to chew in the crate,


i manage the pup so it cant come into conflict with kids , people or other dogs and all the time i monitor it in its development until gradually it can encounter things and still keep a cool head.

hope some of that helps, best of luck

Edited by Casso
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