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dh at the vetr

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well lads i am not aving the best of luk 2 of my dogs got atacked on friday and this morning had to take my dhxgh to the vets he chased a squirel up a tree jumped up for it and landad on some smaller branches witch put a 5" gash and a hole in the back of his leg the stick has tore into his muscle but not that far the vet says and the bill is £186.60 a bill i could do without so i am in full recovery mode with the dog a nightmare is what i call this

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kin ell mate, thats a bitch.

on the plus side, if you cant get out with the mutts, get cracking with the craft work, at least you'll be able to take the sting out them vets bills.

keep your chin up lad :thumbs:

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Know how you feel mate my lurcher looked like it had broke its leg again(same leg break) as i left her in garden looked out to check n she was on 3 legs it was wobbly like when it was broke about 18 months ago and she was in bad pain resigned myself to having her put down as didn't want put her through another op and recovery like last time but luckily found a late night vet and she had pulled a muscle badly on her hip joint next day walking normal lol that was £90 just for being seen then meds on top don't know how they get away with there charges. Good luck for rest of season mate

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Hope you have better luck from now on Gaffer. I don't know what's happened to the veterinary industry in the UK but whatever it is I hope it doesn't happen here. I had a wound on my bitch stitched last year and she got a shot and tablets. The stitching took maybe 20 minutes and the bill for the lot was around 40 euros if I remember rightly. If half that was for the drugs they're still making 60 an hour.

I always make a point of asking "how much is this likely to cost?" as it does no harm to let them know it's going to make a big difference to you.

Some would say that veterinary insurance in the UK is what's caused the huge price rises since I left (in 1989).

Incidentally, some local farmers here are very slow to pay bills if they're high (the bills that is!). Some vets have two price lists for supplies, one for cash and a higher one if it's on the account!

Hopefully your DH/GH's leg will be fine in a few weeks. Best of luck for the season.

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Its a shit when that happens, and the bloody insurance people have pushed the vet bills up beyond belief,I have had two this year myself for the dogs and one for the horse,bloody expensive time,when the animals need vets,hope things turn out ok mate,bottle of whiskey and a quiet evening might just be in order,

good luck

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  On 08/10/2012 at 11:44, Maximus Ferret said:

Hope you have better luck from now on Gaffer. I don't know what's happened to the veterinary industry in the UK but whatever it is I hope it doesn't happen here. I had a wound on my bitch stitched last year and she got a shot and tablets. The stitching took maybe 20 minutes and the bill for the lot was around 40 euros if I remember rightly. If half that was for the drugs they're still making 60 an hour.

I always make a point of asking "how much is this likely to cost?" as it does no harm to let them know it's going to make a big difference to you.

Some would say that veterinary insurance in the UK is what's caused the huge price rises since I left (in 1989).

Incidentally, some local farmers here are very slow to pay bills if they're high (the bills that is!). Some vets have two price lists for supplies, one for cash and a higher one if it's on the account!

Hopefully your DH/GH's leg will be fine in a few weeks. Best of luck for the season.

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  On 08/10/2012 at 11:03, jonah. said:

kin ell mate, thats a bitch.

on the plus side, if you cant get out with the mutts, get cracking with the craft work, at least you'll be able to take the sting out them vets bills.

keep your chin up lad :thumbs:

carnt go out at all my bitch just came in to seasan too tipical that this would happen so stuck in with the dogs i own an air gun looks like that will have to do but its nothing like watching a lurcher work dunt come close for me im afaid no sport at all
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  On 08/10/2012 at 12:10, troter58 said:

hope your dog gets better fast for you and we all wake up from nightmares :yes: chin up mate better now than in another month or two atvb troter

cheers bill i ant for got ya collar eathe been prety buisy then the dog stuff i am busting threw all my orders bud
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  On 08/10/2012 at 11:48, 3175darren said:

Its a shit when that happens, and the bloody insurance people have pushed the vet bills up beyond belief,I have had two this year myself for the dogs and one for the horse,bloody expensive time,when the animals need vets,hope things turn out ok mate,bottle of whiskey and a quiet evening might just be in order,

good luck

sorry mate got to dissagree..........it's the vets taking the piss out of the insurers that have pushed up bill's, i've told it before but my mother in laws king charles developed that encephalitis thing they get and imo it was kept alive far too long walking about in agony not able to function or walk in a straight line, howling in pain etc all the while the vets getting another consultation fee or we can try this......or that.......if we walk in with cash we can maybe get a deal but when they themselves are signing the invoice to the insurers....talk about a flawed system

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just got him back seems sore but fine now the recovery begins this is the part i hate he has a bloody trafic cone on his head [bANNED TEXT] he heals i have to start all the fitnes i put in tn him all over again but glad he is sortad he has a 6" scar on his back leg its a mes but he will get back on trak soon

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Brutal bud, hopefully a quick recovery

Mine had a 2 inch gash on her back knee.

5 stitches, didn't ask the price, nearly 300!!!!!!

Feckin joke seemingly anaesthetic is like £120.

Good job and healed within 2 weeks though, lampshade was a nightmare.

Next time ill do it myself


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