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Im going to order this heat lamp for my lurcher bitch...




I arent going to bother getting the terrier a heat lamp, shes in a little 24" x 18" x 18" tongue and groove box with a cat flap and a big fluffy bath mat, she is long haired and carrys a bit of fat aswell so cant imagine her being cold in there. Whereas the lurcher is short haired, doesn't carry any weight and shes got a pretty big kennel box (4' x 3' and 4.5' tall) so its a pretty big open space and i imagine it will get nippy in the winter.


Ive never used a heat lamp before. How high above her do i hang it? How often do you use it? Every night when the frosts come? For how many hours?


Do they cost alot to run?


Any advice appreciated.





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What about something like this: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Tubular-Heater-60watts-1ft-Long/dp/B00408OB1W/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1349694807&sr=8-3


The trouble with heat lamps in a confined space is that the heat is coming from above, and although heat rises, if the lamp is in a small kennel like yours, the dog can't get out from underneath it if she gets too hot.


So long as the dog isn't likely to chew the appliance, it may be better to fit a tubular low wattage heater near the floor.


The most important thing to do is to make sure there are no major draughts coming into the kennel. Use plenty of bedding, the sort she can dig into a nest: which is why I use straw and change it weekly, spraying it off for parasites each time I put fresh straw in. Straw also dries a wet dog off fast.


Just a few thoughts on the matter.

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Yes i think the dog would need room to move away from or closer to the lamp.May be you could put it on a timer or thermostate or somthing.

Or as sky cat said a good deep bed and a kennel jacket if you think she needs it save your self the electric bills.

Edited by weasle
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I rate rugging them in the winter, About £15 off ebay..


I think as has been said, A heat lamp in a kennel that size would be too much and she cant move away from the heat source, But i do rate heat lamps aswell, Iv got just a plain open wooden dog box ( Its a raised old whelping box) that iv got in the garage with the heat lamp above it, And everytime one of mines does a shift its stays in the garage under the heat lamp till the morning or night if theyve done daywork, Then rubbed down rugged up and back in the kennel.... :thumbs:

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