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Pheasent Family ...

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Hi all , im Emma just setting out in taxidermy and started eairler this year thanks to the wise words of john hallet whos made me follow my dream from when i was a small child to either do taxidermy or become a vet .. my grandmother died eairler this year and i didnt get chance to get started before she went ... shes left me enough money hoping i would and so i have in her memory and enjoying every part of i only wish i trained up from school but went to equestrian collage instead .. any way now a mother of 4 youngest being 3 and farmers wife and running a local pet care service and keen land rover owner spending timeand all my money fixing that ... im finally having a shot at it now though here is the thrid piece i have done so far and im currently finishing a barn owl i picked up ten or so years ago from a rta , shes got her A10s and AHVLA have now regeisterd me as a taxidermist so all very exciting even if im a late starter in the world of taxidermy , i hope to have the barny finished this eve .ive a long long way to go endless learning and im guessing you learn till the day you decide to stop , but its something i wake up thinking about and sleep dreaming about i only wish my 3 year was at school with the other 3 so i can have more time :o) hes a pest

heres the Pheasant family , they are currently for sale , both where found dead as rtc along the same stretch of rd the same week , the chicks came from a breeder and died naturel death as day olds .


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Thanks OldNog ;o) still a lot to learn still seeing lots of faults but hopefully thats a good thing and it will all get easier and better the more i do , heres the barny ive just finished tonight , shes got her A10s and about to list her on ebay tonight :o) again i can see lots of faults i keep fiddling so she needs to go asap before i go to far ha ha ...


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I edged at doing it for years but didnt know hwo to get started so orderd a kit off john hallet jht taxidermy off ebay :o) then i called him and his words inspired me to get started and so i did eeailer this year , i didnt know who to ask before now , i had my harris hawk done by willian Hales and its fantastic i also had a word with him few years back he was willing to let me go on a days course but then i fell pregnat so didnt get to do it then last year at the fenland country fair i meet mr bennet from norwich who also does some fantastic work and has said he will do a days course too , but so far ive self tought from advice from john hallet and a freind ive met on face book and of course the good tips from the guild of taxidermy , always good to join them even if you just enjoy collecting or looking at taxidermy , but for me it was buying that kit off ebay for a teal that finally got me started then the phone call to john whos so so helpfull , also of course setting up isnt cheep so my late grandmother left me money in her will to set up as she wanted me to get started so i had to then :o)

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This is My Hawk Jet that sadly died of choke we believe , He was only a young bird coming into his prime and a good weight , but William Hales done him proud for me captured him exactly and ill be sending my hawk molly to him if i can bare to now i know how its all done ha ha .. but hes so brilliant it cost me £250 to have Jet done and he was worth every single penny i couldnt do my own pets maybe poulty but the hawk is a big part of the family shes 17 and hopeing for another 5 + years from her yet ...need to save up for William to do her if i decide to put her though it :o) if i ever get as good as william ill be smileing ear to ear . i cant ever fault any work i see of his .


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Thanks M M , it get so fustrated and need to learn to be more patiant with them eyes and setting legs are where i get all in a pickle ha ha .. i tryed working better pinning the eyes on this one i fianlly finished last night hes been setting for 3 weeks and managed to mount him all be it he wouldnt stand up so had to cheet with the lifted leg claw on the moss .. its to adictive .. house work dosnt happen now days right state as im out in the caravan doing this every min i have .. heres the cock pheasent ive just done , still got a slightly wonky head though when you look down on top ha ha.. ill keep trying did this one for my father for christmas


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  • 3 weeks later...

hello emma, well done and keep up the good work! ive long fancied a go at taxidermy myself, i really would like a drake teal for my collection so thought it might be best to start there! as you said you started off by mounting a teal would you recommend it as a first go or something else? thanks

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hi alan.. teal are quite a hard bird to prepare. they are very thin skinned ,full of fat and very greasey. not an ideal beginers bird.. for your first few attempts at bird taxidermy you are going to have more success with tougher skinned less fatty species such as.. partridge, jay ,jackdaw, starling. these birds are more user friendly when you are first starting out..

Edited by miroku moocher
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