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youngsters and dogs

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Great to see them enjoying themselves and not being strayed onto wrong things. This reminded me of a documentary I saw years ago on telly where a guy in Liverpool (?) was helping keep young lads on the straight and narrow by getting them to own and care for terriers and then at the weekends they would all go out to the surrounding farms with smokers to sought out the rat problems for the farmers. Anyone remember this? or perhaps someone on here was one of the lads?



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Great to see them enjoying themselves and not being strayed onto wrong things. This reminded me of a documentary I saw years ago on telly where a guy in Liverpool (?) was helping keep young lads on the straight and narrow by getting them to own and care for terriers and then at the weekends they would all go out to the surrounding farms with smokers to sought out the rat problems for the farmers. Anyone remember this? or perhaps someone on here was one of the lads?





I remember it, shame these days the goverment banning hunting what do the expect youngsters to do not every kid finds it interesting to kick a ball etc. Its kept me out of trouble out of pubs and all that shite, nothing better than mooching about with the dogs.

Edited by csd_88
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The government have alot to answer to when it comes to education alot of folk slip through the net. The young ones are branded . Its great to see that these youngsters have something to keep them occupied and have an interest in the dogs it gaves the young lads something to focus on and gives them a bit of responsibility. Keep up the good work and don't for get to enjoy while working the dogs :thumbs: :thumbs:

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As a teacher myself I have organised plenty of things to get the kids interested in the great outdoors. Activities weeks I would take upto 20 kids fishing for three days on local lakes (would of preferred the rivers but H&S would of been a nightmare. Also I helped organise for our students to take part in the Ten Tors event on Dartmoor each year. I can say that both these activities really were a huge benefit to the students and made them see the world a lot more positively. Currently I am promoting ferreting with students to see it as a positive pastime that benefits everyone (apart from the rabbit!). Chris

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There's nothing better than getting out and about with my kids, ferreting, lamping, camping, fishing, bushcraft, living off the land the lot! My boy was a nightmare to get to eat anything until I took him out, shooting pigeon's and cooked some up on the fire there and then. Now anything I "harvest" is gobbled up in no time!!! Good to see other kids getting out and about, doing what kids should be doing... Getting out in the fresh air and enjoying themselves, not cooped up in front of the 'box' in a trance!

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