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feeding the pup up

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Ive got a pup at 13 week's of age at which is a very fussy eater and getting a bit concernd about her waight.what is the best way to over come this problem as i have tried dry food,raw meat,tined food,eg.she will eat bit's and bat's then go off it.

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Put food down for 15 minutes andif it doesn't eat it in the 15 pick it up and don't feed again till next dinner.

Should work as you feed 3 times a day at that age.

It won't starve itself and will learn to eat when supposed to.

And also no titbits or human food.

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Ive got a pup at 13 week's of age at which is a very fussy eater and getting a bit concernd about her waight.what is the best way to over come this problem as i have tried dry food,raw meat,tined food,eg.she will eat bit's and bat's then go off it.

pup is all in her head, instinct (fear), she is only eating when she is really hungry, she hasn't settled down yet with you and is still functioning on instinct, petting and fussing only make matters worse, its adding energy to a situation which has shaky foundations,


no fussing , hand feed if you can , its the environment she is having the problem with not the food, check with the breeder see if she ate or not, i bet she did,


let her make all the approaches, dont pick her up or molly coddle her , she will come good when she settles down , shes just a little stressed and like a lot of stressed animals cant reference her gut, us included,

i know it hard but its in your best interest not to make her the center of attention it makes her feel very vulnerable and exposed, a situation no young animal wants to be in,

best of luck with her,

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