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hi ive been offered a hw35 177 for £80 its the 1st one they made probably about 20 to 25 yrs old its shooting at 13.5 barrel needs re blueing stocks ok no scope but has got original sights is it a bargain or not cheers DM



Hi Diggermad


If the rifle is in good condition then the price is good :thumbs:


If it's one of the first 35's then it will be much older than 25years..


I have one that was made in 1972, that's 40 years old and mine isn't among the first made (They didn't even have the revered Rekord trigger in the first ones!!)


There will be no safety catch on it if it's old and if there is a scope rail, you'll need 13mm scope mounts to fit properly..


Here are a few of mine..


This is a one sided safety catch model (1979) with 13mm rails.



Top- 1976 HW35 Export with 22" barrel, one sided safety catch and 13mm rails..


Bottom 2000 modek HW35k..



The 1972 Export model with no safety catch, it's stripped and was ready for rebluing until the wife put it in the conservatory through winter and it severely rusted :cray:

It had been cammo'd by the previous owner :bad:






Good luck with your purchase :thumbs:



John :bye:

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Hi again


I missed the bit about the power!


These rifles are dead easy to strip, the mainspring can be cut back by a couple of coils, i've done loads to reduce the power..


I normally cut two or three coils with an angle grinder then warm the cut end with amy blowtorch and smack it down to flatten the cut coil to the next one..

Then i'll use my belt grinder to make the last coil truely flat and dress the sharp edges off..


Or you could just buy a standard HW35 spring (round wire rather than the overly strong square ones)..




Cheers, John :bye:

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