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I've been feeding my labx BARF for over a year now made up predominantly from butcher's mince and chicken carcasses/lamb bones. I'm very happy with it and will never go back to complete. I've been feeding him in a single evening meal but we start picking-up tomorrow and feel it may be a bit much to take him out for a whole days work without any breakfast, so.... If I split his food into two meals (breakfast/dinner) do I feed him the bones in the morning and the mince in the evening, the mince in the morning and the bones in the evening or half and half for both meals?

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Yeah I'd never feed a dog before a days work. If he's fit enough he should be able to manage a day picking up without lagging at the end of the day. Like wyeman said stomach torsion is a very real danger and could even be fatal. Keep to the evening meal pal, he should be fine! Mine alway are. :thumbs:

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You could give a small amount if you think it would help hue energy levels, depending on when you get up and what time you start shooting. For example my mate gets up about 6:30 and gives his lab a small feed as they don't normally meet up till 9ish and by the time they get to the first drive it could be 10ish. That's 3 hours or so before the dog starts work.

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If you do feel the need to give him something before you go out: a few hours before he starts work, then a small amount of fat will provide energy through the day. But dogs are designed to work on an empty stomach, so I'd see how he goes before feeding in the morning. If he looks as though he's tiring towards the end of the day (which he probably will anyway to begin with until he gets properly fit for a long day) then take a cheese sandwich: plenty of butter: to give him as a pick-me-up early afternoon.

Some gundog owners give their dogs a Mars Bar, but although it gives an instant energy boost, it is only a quick fix which leaves the dog more knackered after the sugar rush! A few carbs and some fat are better, though my Airedale loves a few chips at lunch when we stop for fish and chips!

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