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due claws

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has any 1 ever had problems with dew claws and who u get to remove them ive never got it done so im curious to no y use get them removed and how do you go about it pm if use want


and if there not there its one less thing for the dog to injure

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I had JR terriers when i was a boy and they were forever ripping them when chasing. Since then every dog i've ever had has had them off at birth until i got a Whippet in June. He had just turned 1 when i got him and he had his dew claws on. IMHO it's a no no for working/hunting/running dogs as they easily get ripped and can put your dog out for weeks. Anyway...i always knew that i'd be getting them off...just wasn't sure when until he went charging into some cover on a scent. He came out the other side and lay down. I wondered what was up and when i approached i could see a gash on his thigh...perfect opportunity so a quick call to the vet to inquire about his gash getting stitched and a price for taking off the dew claws while he was at it. 98 quid for the gash and an extrat 50 quid to get them off. Best money i've ever spent :thumbs:

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Some of my dogs have them and some had them removed shortly after birth. Any later than that and it's a vet job. However of the dogs I have had with dew claws as long as they were kept tidy I haven't had a problem. In fact I have had more trouble with ripped stopper pads than dew claws.

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so when your dog has pups do u do them all or just get the ones your keeping for yourself or do bring the whole lot mother nall wouldnt be a fan on taking 3 day old pups away from there mother

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so when your dog has pups do u do them all or just get the ones your keeping for yourself or do bring the whole lot mother nall wouldnt be a fan on taking 3 day old pups away from there mother


A well respected dog man off this forum dew clawed a litter of 7 i had, dew clawed them all, treated them. then back in with mum

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both mines have them and touch wood no probs yet, i've had trouble in the past and its an expensive op and for the dog i suppose any op carries risks and the dog is out for weeks, if i was breeding a litter i'd have them off

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Get them removed when a pup is 2 to 3 days old, and it's easy and painless, and cheap !! Leave it and it gets very expensive ! I've dogs with and without dew claws, and , to me, it doesn;t make any difference ! :thumbs:




Bryn got his, and he does get few probs with them.The vet said it would cost 190£ quid, and he could take fair while to heal, as some dogs will try to keep at the legs.So to stop it, said best to muzzle them for 2 weeks .So keep them short as poss + tape them better than all the above, my pup had is off when he was 4 days old :thumbs:

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