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Getting Lurcher Back. Need help A.S.A.P.

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Right then, Ive got a serious problem, I sold a Lurcher on to someone round the corner from me.

im not the type who passes dogs about.

The bitch in question had 3 years of well looked after, trained etc.

She never made what I wanted, so found a suitable home for her elsewhere.

Now the person who has her now has owed me half the money(I wouldnt of involved money,) but didnt want her passed from pillar to post making someone a few quid.

Now I see the bitch most days, even if just passing.

I cut her dew claws last week, and checked her over.

Her pins were sticking out, shoulder blades sticking out, thin neck etc.

She isnt her bouncy self, and looks very down and sad.

When I had her, she was like a coiled spring, full of life, bright eyed and fully alert.

Basically she is a different dog.

Now she is a rough haired bitch, so to the eye she looks well meaty.

Now this is the problem, im still owed half the money after over 2 months.

I want to take the dog off the woman, and am boiling that the dog isnt too good in herself.

Ive room for her back in my yard and will let her be my ferreting and bushing bitch.

What do i do, do I just go and get the dog back.

Do I refund the money, even though she still owes me more money that ive lent her as well.

Basically I be grudge giving her a single penny.

But at the same time dont want the Law been brought into it.

Any advice welcome.

Please no smart arse comments as this is an upsetting situation.

Oh and she kept jumping a 7 foot fence and coming back to mine, this has stopped now.

Im sure that she is been locked in a bedroom as anyone who goes either never see the dog, or she is shouted down.

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Just take the bitch back as she ain't paid fully for it

1 way or the other you have to get her back. The dog is obviously unhappy and unsettled. The few quid that you may have to give her will be worth it and if she can do a job for you then all the better

what a nobber, its not your dog its hers, you fookin sold it, i dont pass dogs but i rehomed this 1, i dont charge for dogs but she stil owes me half the money, your a fookin clown pal, do the dog a f

Just take the bitch back as she ain't paid fully for it :victory:


I would agree with that matey, it's the simple, sensible thing to do.......now we can sit back and wait for the Steven Segal types to rock up with their advice!! Lol lol

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1 way or the other you have to get her back. The dog is obviously unhappy and unsettled. The few quid that you may have to give her will be worth it and if she can do a job for you then all the better. The dogs welfare should come 1st over a few quid imho. All the best mate

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1 way or the other you have to get her back. The dog is obviously unhappy and unsettled. The few quid that you may have to give her will be worth it and if she can do a job for you then all the better. The dogs welfare should come 1st over a few quid imho. All the best mate


He said he had lent her money as well so that should cover the refund ;)

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That's true mate but she may kick off If you go round there looking to take back the dog without any mention of money. You could try it and if she refuses then maybe offer to give back what she paid you. If the dog is of no use to you then you sell her on to someone who will work her and give her a good life. Having said that...moving her on again could really set her back. Its a tricky 1 mate and best played with caution. I personally would be really concerned about the dogs welfare and just do what it would take to get her back. After that...get whatever she owes you and avoid her like the plague.

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ide get round there and take the bitch back. She aint paid up then sod her and as for the rest of the cash just point out the bitchs condition. you arnt going to be able to run her straight away as she will need nurseing back to 100% health. im no nutter or anything but it sounds like the right thing to do to me

Edited by chris k
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Cheers lads/lasses.

Money is no object to me, ive got nowt anyway.

The bitches welfare is obviously the number 1 concern.

I just dont want her to flip, and beleive me she is a crackers person to do that, beleive me.

As ive said before, this has went on for approx. 2 months.

Im a fair bloke, maybeas too fair at times.

Obviously I dont want any form of confrontation with her.

With the welfare been the number 1 objective, I under no circumstances want the RSPCA involved, as I want the bitch back for myself.

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1 thing to be aware of. If it does go pear shaped when you confront her and she calls the cops...they may call RSPCA and they could end up taking the dog if she looks to be in a bad way.

:yes: And before any body says he shouldn't pass dogs on, I know him and he normally keeps them for life ;)
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My next point was going to be...what type of person is she but you've just answered that. It may be worth while calling the cops 1st without mentioning names just to see how they would view the situation. I suspect they would say the same as us. Go round...offer her a refund and get the dog back as long as it doesn't kick off.

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