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Bolt Action or Semi

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I have just been granted my FAC and I am no looking to buy a gun, the one gun shop near me has told me to get a Ruger semi auto, I like this gun and it seems a decent bit of kit. I then went to my local club and asked some of the guys there only to be told that semi autos jam and I should get a CZ bolt action.

Last night I visited another gun shop only to be advised to go for a ruger semi auto


I dont want to be swapping and changing guns so wondered what the advice was on here


The land I shoot over holds a lot of rabbits usually 20 plus per field and I will be doing most of my shooting at night with a lamp or night vision

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Pros and cons to both. Semi's are quicker to shoot, but eject cases all over the field you are shooting in. Also not as quiet as a bolt action due to the noise of the action. A 10/22 won't jam if you find out what ammo it likes best.

Bolt action a bit slower to shoot, but quieter, more accurate and you can catch each ejected case to save grubbing round in the grass for them.

Personally I'm a fan of the bolt action, but intend to get a 10/22 at some stage.

I don't think there is a "better choice" as they are just different.

Edited by walshie
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My personal preference is the semi automatic. As previously said, yes they are noisier because of the action slamming backwards and forwards when it ejects but the noise is negligible and i haven't noticed it disturbing the rabbits. With regards to accuracy....... I don't dispute that when shooting at 200yds+ that this could be an issue but the ranges for which the 22 is used, there should not be an issue with accuracy.


if you have alot of rabbits on the ground then the speed and shot capacity of the semi auto is a bonus.


With regards to jamming. If you keep your magazines free from dirt by cleaning them regularly then you should have no problems at all. I have a ruger 10/22 and t takes minutes to strip and clean the magazines on them.


This is just my opinion and choice is down to personal preference. All i would advise is see if you can shoot them both before deciding.

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The trouble with the 10/22 is the quality control and build tolerances. Some will work straight out of the box, some will need fettling. For your first rf I would go for a bolt action. Semi autos can be made as accurate as a bolt action, but it's likely to cost you a few bob to get there.

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I use a 452 bolt in .22 and .17 and prefer it to the semi auto not because of accuracy just because it feels alot smoother when re loading and with 2x10 shot mags loaded up ready it seems to be plenty to go at, but as said its down to personal preference



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I have 2 slots and therefore have one of each, a cz452 bolt action, used mostly for lamping, as with night shooting you have a few seconds more to make that 2nd or 3rd shot, but at the same time I dont want to be shooting bullets all over the place in the dark, as it has been known for dick heads to walk around in the dark


the ruger 10/22 is my daytime rifle, as the rabbits are a little more skittish in daylight, you then have a very good chance of 2 or 3 rabbits without changing your position, yes the action was a little noisy, but watched utube clips and did a few home mods on it myself, a rubber bumper quiterns it big time, keeping it clean means no jams ever, leave cleaning it and it'll jam

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I also changed the recoil buffer on my 10/22 and found it makes a big difference on the noise. You can buy the new ones from Amazon for a less than a tenner. Agree with the other stuff said, try a few different rounds until you find one it likes and it won't jam.





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My first .22lr was a Ruger 10/22 Stainless Synthetic, some people seem to get on with them very well.... yes they are fun, for mine to work reliably i had to use HV ammo, which took the point of having a .22lr away for my situation.


Saying that, there are people that really do love them and have no issues

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