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Guest Frank

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Guest Frank

Took my new saluki cross bitch out last night for a run, as i want to keep her going.

The weather seemed good for the job in hand, windy and a slight drizzle, hard to get this time of year, i was lucky.

It gets dark rather late these days :blink: , so a 11pm start was to be had, roll on autumn. :yes:


She did well, considering she has just finished her heat and she has not been out for a while, good while.


Coursed 6 got 3, but i was happy, plus, the bull in the next feild was fit to come threw and join us in our adventure :icon_eek::D


Pics below of my saluki bitch with the bunnys she got and my pup of 5 & a 1/2 month, coming on nicely ;)



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Guest Frank
Gutting mate really sorry to hear that. Really crap when something like that happens. :cry:


Glad to hear youv'e moved on!! :thumbs-up:



Thanks C69. :)


All the best,



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Guest Frank

Thanks blando.

That was happening here too for a while, but last night the wind picked up a wee bit and it got dark, i took the opertunity and it payed off. :)


Good luck for when you go again. ;)



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Guest Frank

Thanks scotty and Moll.


Scotty, the vet said the same thing to me aswell, he reckoned it could of been rat poisen, but i have a feeling it could of been something stronger. :hmm:



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