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A few quiet hours! Or Beyond the Hedge!

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Mary asked me if I wanted to go hunting this evening so I quickly topped up the HW (windy so .22), got in the camo and set off to the permission, however I decided to go down the bolt on. Checked Zero at the top of the track, made sure both magazines were fully loaded and down to the field. Spooked a couple in the big gap but I could see two at the top. So stalk quietly down to the end, got the big one first and then dropped the kitt.


Picked them up and trampled a couple of ambush spots for later. Then I saw gold, pears, beautiful pairs, loads of them. Then apples, Coxes of some description, plus a couple of larger reds as well. Cor, these were in the dividing hedge and I had permission to be there, so I decided to lessen the stresses on the boughs of the trees, the wind was gusting well.


Rabbits and fruit back to the drop point. Back in the ditch, waiting, rabbit pops out and stares at me, well it would be rude not to reply so I sent it a Crosman Premier at 600 odd feet per second... It rolled over with joy! Across and a few more apples, dropped some of the manky ones on the floor so the rabbits would be lured out to feed. An hour or so later and another load were out, well one copped a pellet and did the somersault of doom, the rest ran for the edges, one froze, I don't know why, but I was able to get another shot off. Another bun bites the dust.


Another wait ensured a couple more came out. I got one but the other scarpered fast. So 5 rabbits, a bag of apples and pears and a happy hunter...



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Thanks, it was pretty gusty, so you were waiting for calmer spells before shooting, but they are some nice rabbits, 2 are going the way of the black pudding, one has been delivered to the old lady at the end of the terrace (she likes rabbit) and a couple have gone to my friend how we got the Hatsan for, waste not want not!

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Nice one Mike,


I'm a little green, seems like forever since I last shot anything (including paper).

Looking forward to Friday so I can give my trigger finger some excercise :yes: and of course meeting up with friends again.



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nothing like a afternoon browsing in natures larder well done.... just a obsevation from your previous post mole you seem a bit obsessed with weighing everything does mother nature charge by the oz in your neck of the woods? :angel:

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