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Hunt etiquette

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makes me laugh on the hunt ..............................the fookers with money are generally land owners.....and some of the nicest folk who will go out there way to speak to you.............. and t

If its a fell pack.....take an iron lung !! Lol

If its a mounted pack get up early and spend a couple of hours getting ready and an hour or two brushing the horse then arrive early at the meet to soak up the atmosphere and the hot toddys the field

Well, I always make a point of wareing a shirt and tie and personally I think it looks Chav to be real tree up to the eyeballs.....other than that, I open and close gates for the field and generally be polite to everyone......should make for an enjoyable day.

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If its a mounted pack get up early and spend a couple of hours getting ready and an hour or two brushing the horse then arrive early at the meet to soak up the atmosphere and the hot toddys the field marshall will tell you the rest

If its a footpack get up 20 mins before you need to set of throw your boots and waterproofs in the old van and arrive when the hounds are just tipping out, have a quick word with lads and hope the Drag man managed to get there before ya

.....Enjoy ;)

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waterproofs for me!!! but im with the terrier crew enjoy your day


Nothing to stop you having the shirt and tie underneath.


no there aint but it the tie wont stop on long when im digging!!! and the shirt will end up very muddy

Just tuck your tie into your shirt, roll your sleeves up, job done, any other mud well it's just part & parcel of digging holes in the ground lol, better that way than sweating your bollocks off in waterproofs.


Edited to add... Shh surely if you've been invited then who ever asked you will know what's what with that particular hunt??? Really can't see why you had to asked on here, but hey your full of surprises. Lol

Edited by alimac
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makes me laugh on the hunt ..............................the fookers with money are generally land owners.....and some of the nicest folk who will go out there way to speak to you..............

and the ones who rent farms and try and be something there not are usually stuck up there own asses.............................

fooking makes me laugh...............................yet if you turn up in a brand new 4x4 they then want to speak to you.................wankers

there are good and bad in everything...........................but nothing more clicky than a hunt,,,,,,,,,,,,,,imo

and there are some genuine really nice folk...................and then there them who think there shit doesnt stink.........................

i go out for one reason and one reason only there is no better site than hounds at work................................and what our little heroes do aswell......... :thumbs:

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waterproofs for me!!! but im with the terrier crew enjoy your day


Nothing to stop you having the shirt and tie underneath.


no there aint but it the tie wont stop on long when im digging!!! and the shirt will end up very muddy

Just tuck your tie into your shirt, roll your sleeves up, job done, any other mud well it's just part & parcel of digging holes in the ground lol, better that way than sweating your bollocks off in waterproofs.


Edited to add... Shh surely if you've been invited then who ever asked you will know what's what with that particular hunt??? Really can't see why you had to asked on here, but hey your full of surprises. Lol


Was a mate, he just slipped it into conversation as he was leaving, as he walked out ' oh we're going out with the hunt Saturday if you want to come'. As I said I don't know I'll be going so thought I'd ask on here

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