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Patterdale cross breeding with Staffs

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I have been told by a few people that a Patterdale as a breed of terrier is ideal for what it is used for, so why do I see and hear of people crossing them with Staffs and the like?


I realy am a fan of quite a few breeds of dog including Staffs, but what is the point in cross breeding Patterdales with them?


Does it benefit in anyway to do this sort of thing?


It's not a dig by the way just a genuine question that has got me thinking as I am new to this?


I can understand crossing Bull types into Lurchers, that doesnt take much working out, and those dogs realy do look the business, but I dont realy understand this one.


And another thing, if you were to cross a smaller terrier like a Patterdale with a bigger terrier like a Staff would the bitch have to be the Staff of the two, to carry and deliver the pups without complications?


If you crossed a Dog Staff with a Bitch Patterdale would the pups get too big for the Bitch and cause problems, is what I'm wondering?

Edited by Pipey Magregor
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imo people think that the bigger the head the harder the dog. :blink:its a load of s..t , they have been doing the job for hundreds of years with out adding any staff blood etc, as the saying goes "if it aint broke dont fix it"..... ps like the look of yours on your other post..

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imo people think that the bigger the head the harder the dog. :blink:its a load of s..t , they have been doing the job for hundreds of years with out adding any staff blood etc, as the saying goes "if it aint broke dont fix it"..... ps like the look of yours on your other post..


Cheers man, I just cant wait till he's old enough to take him out.


I was thinking along the same sort of lines of "If it aint broke, dont fix it" sort of thing.


I was thinking that although they may look real smart, and have a stronger bite, they would maybe be too big for doing what the Patterdale (and terriers like it) are renowned for doing.


But I am no expert so I dont realy know, I'd be interested to hear from anyone who thinks it's a good thing, and their reasons for it.

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Pipey, i think it a bad thing to be adding any sort of bull blood to these little

dogs,, frank buck and ceril breay did though it was many many years ago

but then so many other types of terrier went in to the mix that gave rise

to most of the good patts today..

Too much bull blood creates too much hardiness and as a result

NO brains, these dogs are likely to steam straight in and recieve

severe punishment, when worked to certain quarry :whistle:

just my personal opinion here ;)


And just like alimac said, if it aint broke why try to fix it..!!


ther are plenty of good bred patts about these days for what you after


all the best with ya litte dog too he looks a cracker B)B)



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Thanks for the reply bracken,


Before I got my dog, I was searching around for a Patterdale and seen and advert for these Patt x Staff's and I was going to buy one (£110 each if I remember correctly) but after thinking about it, I just thought WHY? when I could have a real Patterdale for just abit more.


Like both of you, I dont see what purpose it would serve when you've got a dog that is already good enough.


I've heard people say crossing them with Staff's kicks the balls back into them, but if thats their oppinion I'd say the Patterdales they've had (to think they need the balls kicking back into them) must be crap, and as you said, maybe it isnt so much courage but a lack of brain power that has been bred into the dog?


I would be interested to hear what owners of any crosses have to say on this matter.

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I dont think there's any point in it if you've got the right stuff to start with,and if you have'nt got the right stuff dont breed it with anything.I dont think Buck or Breay ever used bull terrier blood in their lines.

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i had a russel with bull in him he died at 18 months old he was very hard under the ground never heared a noise from him but he was still young not fully tested wouldnt mind another one like him



jesus that dog looks like the one from the film the mask! looks the nuts

Edited by workindogz
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Pipey, i think it a bad thing to be adding any sort of bull blood to these little

dogs,, frank buck and ceril breay did though it was many many years ago

but then so many other types of terrier went in to the mix that gave rise

to most of the good patts today..

Too much bull blood creates too much hardiness and as a result

NO brains,


No mate it means big heart NOT no brains... shows a lack of understanding on your part

Poacher; allways wondered how the dog in your avatar was put together....very nice mate...shame he did'nt get the chance to show his full potential

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I dont think there's any point in it if you've got the right stuff to start with,and if you have'nt got the right stuff dont breed it with anything.I dont think Buck or Breay ever used bull terrier blood in their lines.



maybe i was misinformed (SP) on buck or breay using a bull blooded terrier very early on

in the breeding program they had, but i was only told this, and also that they used this dog as

a seizure dog at the end of a dig, but then maybe i was told wrong again????

all i do know is that they only bred from the gamest /best working terriers that they had or could

use,,, not like nowa days where the dogs are churned out for profit,, with hardly a thought

about working abilaty(SP sorry),, :hmm:

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