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new pcp

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hello i am new to this forum and indeed any , i have a aa tx200 springer and an old bsa break barrel model? anyway im reading and watching videos form si and cubleycat about night vision shooting and its all very interesting (and expensive) and i now have a camcorder strapped to the back of my springer (as if it was not heavy enough) , anyway sorry for rambling on the question is im looking for a pcp ....i know that theres a lot of interest in bas ultras and my mates got one iand i have to say that even me as a poorish shot got great results in target shooting in his back yard, what would you guys recommend as a good starter pcp please? thanks dave

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The low shot count on the Ultra is not an issue if you're hunting but a pain if you're at a range.


Probably best to go for something like a BSA Superten mk3 which is regulated and will give you around 110 full power shots with no power curve. Another to consider would be the Air Arms S400-S410 with around 60 full power shots though with the S400 series there is a power curve as they're not regged as standard but you would fill to 180 bar and that would take you straight into the sweet spot. The Superten is a bit weighty whereas the S410 is a lot lighter, especially at the front end. You should be able to pick up either for somewhere in the region of £350 second hand. I have both rifles and they're superb, easy to get parts for and the parts are cheap to buy.


As for calibre...don't even go there ha :thumbs:

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  • 3 weeks later...

the most important thing is to try an get a air rifle wit a regulator this will improve shot per fill and accuracy

hw 100 peep say they are not reged but they are.

some theobens


some bsa's

a mildot scope and a ranger finder is crucial for pinpoint accuracy on all air rifles

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i was in your shoes a few months ago but decided not to go for a starter pcp and went for the hw100ks and love it too bits the starter idea didn't appeal too me as i would want to upgrade real quick so did heaps of homework tried shouldering a lot of guns and the hw100ks seemed to fit my frame spot on . everyone will have their own idea of the best rifle but the best one is the gun that fits your frame like a glove


just my 2p

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the most important thing is to try an get a air rifle wit a regulator this will improve shot per fill and accuracy

hw 100 peep say they are not reged but they are.

some theobens


some bsa's

a mildot scope and a ranger finder is crucial for pinpoint accuracy on all air rifles

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