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How permission, this is how

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Long time since I've been here but I've just got a new permission and thought I'd share the how for those who find that sort of thing tricky.


1. move somewhere new

2. find a field with lots-a-bunnies

3. visit local shop, the independent one which has obviously been in the family for years, ask who owns field

4. get wrong persons name

5. ask wrong person who does own it

6. track down and phone owner, saying you were referred by 4.

7. owner says it's up to tenant

8. ask for tenants number

9. contact tenant saying owner said to call them

10. meet tenant, show him insurance and get map marked up and permission form written up

11. go shooting


Now I have a permission for a rimfire, I want a variation from my FAC air. 1st is get a land check, then I need a someone to vouch for me because that's how they seem to do it around Cambridge. Anyone fancy giving me an intro to rimfire?





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Cambs FAO are pretty tight on where you can an cant shoot. I'm in cambs and one field is not cleared for rimfire but the one next to it is!! Don't ask why that's just the way it is I was told. If you do find someone to vouch for you ( it took me a year after shooting air rifles ) then they will tell you where you can and can't go.

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Ive just been pi$$ed off by a guy who went to the land owner i shoot on and said he has shooting rights in the wood next to a big field that often has deer in it and said that he stalks the deer and they are often on his field eating his crops and could he shoot, farmer agreed.


turns out he pays for the occasional day in that wood but now has rights to a field i shoot

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Sometimes it works out that way. I share permission with another guy and we just keep in contact with one and other to make sure we don't clash.) Although we do have 3000acrs to go at between us. )


It can work out useful sometimes as we tell each other what's been active and where.


Maybe you can talk to him and come up with some arrangement?

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i cant see why they would ask for a mentor when you already have an fac, cambs police aint that bad, when i applied for my .22 i had a 25 acre pig farm with a footpath running through it and houses on 2 sides,

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Hi Nod,

It's not a mentor they want but someone who has taken me shooting to provide a letter for their file saying I'm not an idiot - in their words to 'vouch for me'. It would be nice if there were some consistency in the system but I'm not the first to think that.


Oh and for those that think I made finding a permission look easy, there are a bunch of other stories I could tell which ended up in frustrating dead ends. I think finding a permission is another kind of hunting.




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Your right, a lot of it is being in the right place at the right time.


Why not try getting some pigeon shooting permission and work from there. At this time of year onwards some farmers will let you just shoot pigeons on open fields.


Just a thought.

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Hi Nod,

It's not a mentor they want but someone who has taken me shooting to provide a letter for their file saying I'm not an idiot - in their words to 'vouch for me'. It would be nice if there were some consistency in the system but I'm not the first to think that.


Oh and for those that think I made finding a permission look easy, there are a bunch of other stories I could tell which ended up in frustrating dead ends. I think finding a permission is another kind of hunting.




I shoot in Cambs occasionally, for all I am based in Bucks.

I don't mind you coming out on my permissions with me for a day and I've done letters for others who have been out with me before.

In TVP area they now insist on a mentor for any new calibre a shooter wants as a matter of course. I question the legality of their demands, but what can you do?

If you need a hand, let me know.




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they gave me an open ticket when i got my fac air. then closed it off when i got my rimmy for one site. but my mate who used to be in the marines and has an fac wrote a glowing letter about me, he said a load of things and noted that i shot with him a number of times. then i wrote to them 5 weeks after having my ticket closed off to one site and they opened it up to shoot anywhere i deemed safe.


i wrote the letter with a pen on some scrp paper that the receptionist gave me in the police headquarters sat in reception. ticket came back to me open.


maybe they respect the fact that my mate was in the marines, that he had an fac and that he vouched for me.

Edited by riflehunter583
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