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Any good First time Ferreting Stories?


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My 1st time was with whin and longdogrunner. It was one of the most exciting experiences of my life! I learned so much and got so many nettle stings but it was so worth it! whins 'big erik' was a star and longdogrunner lost one of his during the days work but Im going back soon with my own ferrets and cant wait :D

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Having to restrain myself is my biggest memory. I was totally overwhelmed with the fear of losing one of my babes, everytime one popped its head out of a hole i wanted to grab it and put it back in the box, and the relief seeing it after a dig. But then driving home and recapping the days events in my mind....the pride i felt about my little soldiers :D


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I used to go out when i was a teenager with my mate and his dads ferrets but that is completely different from your first trip with one of your own....and possibly on your own!

I'm with Molly on this one..I was terrified i would never see my little stray jill again.


BUT.What a thrill when she bolted her first rabbit for me on that day.A very small couple of holes but we caught our first rabbit.The thrill was enormous!

I also had an overwhelming feeling of "partnership" between me and my ferret...we did it together and i'm sure she looked to me for approval as she emerged from the hole just after the rabbit!


I couldn't stop looking at her and our prize even though the rabbit looked just like any other i had killed over the years.

As for the evening meal....we even shared that experience togther!...Oh dear this is starting to sound weird!! I'll stop now!

Enjoy your first trip and maybe first meal together.Just don't rush things on the first date!!!!!! :)

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I was 14 and had initially gotten my jill for a pet...and then my dad mentioned that he had used ferrets on rabbits when he was a kid. Naturally I had to try it out. :D

I was very worried that I was never going to see that jill again when she went to ground but the feeling when that first bunny bolted and wrapped up in the net was the best ever. I was hooked.

Only got four rabbits in that first outing but they were amongst the most satisfying rabbits I've ever caught.

The jill went on to be the best worker I've ever had, tireless, cunning and wouldn't leave the warren until it was empty.

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My first time out was Poaching, on a steep embankment/ditch. The warrens start at the bottom of it, so if you dig its liklely to be quite deep as you would be at the top of the bank. Quite hard to explain. I was very nervous, didnt want to have to ring my Dad and tell him I had lost the Jill :no::cry: Luckily all went to plan, even more lucky was the fact I was using a broken mk1 locator, and didnt have a clue how to use it lol.


We got one Coney out of that warren, and got the Jill :clapper: So we moved on and done a nice open warren in the middle of a field.


Netted up, entered Jill.......waiting.........Out pops 2 Big Bunnys which we got, missed another. Jill pops out, perfect, things were going well.

So here we are collecting nets when we see someone walking over :cry: He comes over and it was the keeper! First time out and we get caught lol! To make things worse my Patterdale didnt like his Lab and they had a big noisy scrap :no: Could things get worse?!


Luckily he was a nice guy and didnt mind at all, he pointed out some nearby Warrens that we could try Today, but after that we didnt come back, Unless.....we go beating for his shoot for the season he said he would will let us have permission :clapper: We got permission now, its not great permission but better than nothing :thumbs-up:


Alls going well now, apart from the guys at the shoot taking the piss out of me for getting caught :tongue2: And cracking jokes about watching out for my traps on drives.... :rofl:

Its well worth it, although it can be a little nerve racking when you gotta dig on a hedge row or something. Go for it, but I would try and go out with someone who has experiance, you will be alot less nervous then ;)

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my first time was when I was about 15, started seeing this boy whos dad had loads of ferrets/birds and dogs. I had gotten two hob kits off them and they were my babies! spoilt rotten. They were going out ferreting so I decided to join them, and the babies (well they were a year old by this time!) came with us.

So off we went, ferrets and nets. Once the holes we found were all netted up they put their HUGE hob down the hole. I didnt know what to expect and got a bit of a fright when I heard what they called the thunder. Then out they came! Rabbits everywhere. It was great, all them nets filled up with podgy rabbits! I soon learned how to kill the rabbits and for someone who worked in a veterinary practice at the weekends, I quite enjoyed it, and never looked back. Put the youngsters down for a little while but I wasnt keen so grabbed them back lol! It was a great experience. I fell in love with the whole thing, ferreting, shooting, coursing. Its an amazing thing.

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Hi there my first outing was with my mate chris,we had my terrier with me and he had his poley Hob and i had my little sandy jill and my albino Hob, when we got in the field we let jade (my terrier) off and away she went and marked the burrows :D so we set our nets set our nets , put my sandy jill in :D and then we suddenly heard squeaking, she had caught a young'un but a had to put ma hand in and grab her coz she had it in her mouth :laugh: and when i grabbed her she came pout with it , then we put the polecat hob down to see what he would do and bolted us 2 adults :D though my little albino never bolted or anything lol


heres the poley we took out that day




and my terrier





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