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out mooching with a new ferret

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because my ferrets are getting on in years i rescued a ferret a month ago and decided to give her a look out to see if she was any good. as she had come into me covered in ticks i had a funny feeling that there was a possibility that she had been worked before.

slept in this morning and got myself in the usual paddy with the wife as i was losing valuable ferreting time cause i was late,went down to the chicken shed,chucked them a handful of food and was off.

was not amused when i was driving up to my permission as the sky's looked heavy and a wind was whipping up but when i arrived it was like a summers day.

got the ferret out of the box and she was away down the hole like a good un and after a couple of minutes she ran out her first rabbit and i swear she had a smile on her face. what a worker. the only problem with her is she is quite dark in colour and had a job spotting her when she was in the undergrowth.

feisty fred came out for the next set of burrows and he was off on his hunt. he wopped three out and i thought im in for a good day here.

by 12 after falling down a hillside ( slipped on my butt) lost two rabbits after slipping,my ribs started to ache ( stupid me whacked them on a tree last week) the jack russell was looking at me with a give it up look on her face i decided to call it a day and just have a gentle mooch to see where there was activity in any sets. took all the gear back to the car, sometimes i think it would be easier to transport triplets than go ferreting. had a look round and sorted out where im gonna hit on wedensday and went and picked up the 10 rabbits i had caught. not a great day but defiantly a good days mooching

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