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Big G,I spent all the late 70's,'s,90's breeding hybrids of plummers and most big name terriers untill 2002 just for work on fox as it was my main quarry both professionally and as an avid amateur,but

Sparky,"fully able" means exactly that and not "fully experienced",these dogs from last year have shown their full potential from an early age as they are not limited to going out 1 day a week but 7da

WM i have just proposed such a thing to the pta committee, a group or sub committee it matters not what the name is, but tracing old lines which can be brought back in to use and collaborating closer

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  On 10/10/2012 at 01:37, wirral countryman said:

WULF(SCOTT),thats a big step in the right direction for everyone if its tied into health as well as work,the biggest problem I can foresee is most registered plummer owners these days are middle class with no idea on what is entailed in a working terrier,you need to survey all the clubs on whats being worked by who and what blood is in those dogs but I'm sure knowing you its already in hand.The internet is a serious tool towards getting things moving without waiting around for agm's,volunteers can be called for and vetted online and should take no time at all to get started,you already know like me who is working what before you start and I offered 3yrs ago to run stock on to test but was shunned as I was not a member of any of these clubs,I have no interest at all in showing as you know but would help where I can and there are a few that may surprise you if you get a breeding programme started but a merger is required between the major players to get full cooperation from all towards making them a healthier dog,I still think a cross club breed assessment should be done so as you have a starting point,there will be many on the club committees that will not like this as the truth can be painfull and your path will be a difficult one but I know you have the working good of the breed at heart and anyone that puts his head above the parapit as you have deserves commending for it,GOOD LUCK,WM

p.s. maybe a comment from Gareth now or TOKA

surley you just need to do what is best for the breed. if any assosiation dont like it then just do your own programme!
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  On 05/10/2012 at 07:00, buster gonads said:
  On 04/10/2012 at 22:00, Big bald beautiful said:

looks like a bog standard russel, so why not just buy one of those instead of a lesser dog

In a word BBB, Nose, i havent seen any other type of terrier that comes close to a Plummer in that dept, buster.

verry true buster Edited by ginge87
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Well,it looks like the normal plummer business is resumed with nobody wanting to break cover and make a statement on any direction other than Scott,I have tried to encourage the right direction forward now for 3yrs and have had many arguments about size,etc with the so called powers that be and some have been trying to breed dogs of the breed standard because of it but it seems most are scared of upsetting the applecart and scuppering the K C registration bid,I wish you all well in your little bubbles and I will leave you all to get on with your little ego trips in the hope that one day the good of the breed will be put first instead of your own power trips,I have ran this thread on 3 websites and there has been plenty of views off people from all the committees but as their own forums are everyday not been much comment ?? it seems no one of note has an opinion and so I will hinder you no more with it.

I will go back to producing healthy dogs of the right size for work and carry on with my own breeding programme,I am in possession of all the lines to avoid thanks to the honesty of some and know exactly how to achieve what I'm after,but it will take 2 generations to be independent,my latest litter is 4weeks old today and looking at them makes me proud of the quality I have,their full brothers and sisters from last year are 15 months old now and they have proved themselves to be fully able in the field were it counts for me so the future is bright for my own line and without the constraints of being told which dog I am to use when breeding it opens up a wider gene pool,thanks to those that contributed to this thread,WM

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Thanks for taking the time to try to achieve something positive after the charade of the EPTS show, i have been banging my head against the same brick wall for fifteen years, and as stated earlier, the new blood could and should have gone on a sub register with the inclusion of the best stock onto the main register- simple.

Out of interest, are your lines eligable registration should you so wish, it would be a shame to produce typey working dogs that get lost to the breed.

There is now a face book page, the plummer terrier with picture of the new blood program from the start, its non political and for information for enthusiasts, nothing more. Feel free to join and post pictures of your stock, there are many folk out there who are interested. It is also there to trace some of the early generation dogs to see how they have faired, if its still alive and healthy after all this time then perhaps there is hope.

all the best Tim.

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WC, dont give up on this, iam sure there are alot of people like myself out there that would add somthing to your cause, but we dont have the knowledge or experience, so cant, that doesnt mean we are not interested, we relie on people like you that have worked Plummers for years to take this up on behalf of ourselves and the breed. If you do bow out at least you can hold your head up high and say you tried, thanks for that, buster.

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I have'nt give up on anything plummer wise and never will,I will just carry on as I have for the last 3 yrs online defending these little dogs and waiting for the day when there are more working members than show ponies,only then will we get a change in the committee's hierarchy,we that work plummers must keep breeding them and placing them in the hands of lads that will get them out there and give them as much work as we can,they are only limited by their owners and are capable of far more than just rats,as an all round terrier they cannot be beaten,good hunting,WM

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  On 09/10/2012 at 06:48, legion said:


Tell me more, what happened to the litter, any dogs still around and if so are they healthy. never mind genetic theories, lets do it the old fashioned way, if the stock has lived to a ripe old age without any health issues then we can presume that line is good. If not that line is suspect and needs investigation.

There is a facebook page for uploading pictures if anyone has anything positive to contribute, as much info on the new blood is what we are interested in, both good and bad, health issues nothing else.

cheers Tim.

i used nine when he was with spencer gledhill there was one i kept in touch with from lancaster

area the lad used to be on here THE F STUDENT or simalar user name a brindle dog worked below ground

requally but havent heard from him in yrs it was just before you took nine so it will be a while ago now sorry

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  On 12/10/2012 at 16:31, wirral countryman said:

I have'nt give up on anything plummer wise and never will,I will just carry on as I have for the last 3 yrs online defending these little dogs and waiting for the day when there are more working members than show ponies,only then will we get a change in the committee's hierarchy,we that work plummers must keep breeding them and placing them in the hands of lads that will get them out there and give them as much work as we can,they are only limited by their owners and are capable of far more than just rats,as an all round terrier they cannot be beaten,good hunting,WM



Far too much white on her WM. :rolleyes::laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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some more good posts wc and tim,there are still a lot of plummer owners out there who value the working ability and health of there dogs[myself one].i agree totally the plummer terrier should be worked as an all rounder providing the owner has places to hunt there dogs,i myself used to work my dogs to fox but since the ban i havent the priveledge to do so,but i dont for one minute think any less of my plummer bitch because she works rats and rabbits given the chance i;m sure she would work other stuff.i expect a lot from my dogs,good nose for one as my dogs have to smell out rats in some of the most vile of places,stammer as sometimes were out for 8 hours at a time doing our rounds and the dogs work for there rats,there also tractable and work well in a pack aswell as on there own.ive seen [and owned]other breeds that dont come close to these plummers,ours[legion jen and legion ty]are fantastic rat killing dogs i know some think there only rats but [bANNED TEXT] they kill them in number they take a bit punishment .i'm not comparing this to earth work all i'm saying we can work our dogs and test them in other ways and enjoy them for what they are[alrounders].happy hunting to you all keith j.

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  On 11/10/2012 at 21:12, wirral countryman said:

Well,it looks like the normal plummer business is resumed with nobody wanting to break cover and make a statement on any direction other than Scott,I have tried to encourage the right direction forward now for 3yrs and have had many arguments about size,etc with the so called powers that be and some have been trying to breed dogs of the breed standard because of it but it seems most are scared of upsetting the applecart and scuppering the K C registration bid,I wish you all well in your little bubbles and I will leave you all to get on with your little ego trips in the hope that one day the good of the breed will be put first instead of your own power trips,I have ran this thread on 3 websites and there has been plenty of views off people from all the committees but as their own forums are everyday not been much comment ?? it seems no one of note has an opinion and so I will hinder you no more with it.

I will go back to producing healthy dogs of the right size for work and carry on with my own breeding programme,I am in possession of all the lines to avoid thanks to the honesty of some and know exactly how to achieve what I'm after,but it will take 2 generations to be independent,my latest litter is 4weeks old today and looking at them makes me proud of the quality I have,their full brothers and sisters from last year are 15 months old now and they have proved themselves to be fully able in the field were it counts for me so the future is bright for my own line and without the constraints of being told which dog I am to use when breeding it opens up a wider gene pool,thanks to those that contributed to this thread,WM

I have,their full brothers and sisters from last year are 15 months old now and they have proved themselves to be fully able in the field


15 months old and "proven", is it any wonder the plummer terrier is regarded as a joke in working circles

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