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Has eny one seen enything like this

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That's put me off me breakfast! Definitely tape worm I have seen it before on rabbits.I wouldn't eat it or give it to me dog.just to be on the safe side   Davy

Theyre another good reason for investing a fiver in a box of medical rubber gloves from the chemist and putting a couple in your pocket for wearing whilst gutting your prey. The only time a hunter s

yep, Tapeworm cyst mate.... Throw away, take no chances mate..... Unless you wanna drag your arse along the carpet like a dog..... :boogy:   Darryl

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This was not my first or last experiance of them. :bad:



hi tony like iv said mate it was my first one and i was abit gutted as the rabbit was a good size and i chuked it i olso noticed that the kiddneas and liver looked like they had been cooked :bad: atvbmac
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hi tony like iv said mate it was my first one and i was abit gutted as the rabbit was a good size and i chuked it i olso noticed that the kiddneas and liver looked like they had been cooked :bad: atvbmac


You'll be prepared next time :yes:

Check out some of my autopsy posts and there is stuff in them that will almost put you off bunny for life :laugh:

It put me off for a year or two and had to force myself to start eating them again (needless to say that the local Foxes got quite overweight at one point :laugh: on my cemy and Padock perms ).

One of the worst livers I ever saw was a fairly early kill.

I shot it on the land of (what was then Hull&District FTC) When I find the cable to my portable HDD I'll pop the image up for you to see.

It was greenish/red/brown/yukky almost rubber like but brittle as well.


The worst Rabbit I ever shot, I didn't even open up! Oh man that was an experiance and a half!

I had a bag full of bunny entrails that I'd taken out of a number of kills (it was a hot day and the flies were rife!!).

I shot this funny looking bunny (behaved a bit odd too), when I went to collect it after taking the shot it was humming :bad: So I chucked it to one side of the hedge a few feet away from the bag of guts. I kid you not :nono: the flies migrated from the smelly hot bag of guts to this one rabbit within minutes (I'm feeling sick just thinking about it!!!).

I've tried finding the posts in the archive on here but no joy as yet.

Again I'll add the pix when I can get to them.



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hi tony like iv said mate it was my first one and i was abit gutted as the rabbit was a good size and i chuked it i olso noticed that the kiddneas and liver looked like they had been cooked :bad: atvbmac


You'll be prepared next time :yes:

Check out some of my autopsy posts and there is stuff in them that will almost put you off bunny for life :laugh:

It put me off for a year or two and had to force myself to start eating them again (needless to say that the local Foxes got quite overweight at one point :laugh: on my cemy and Padock perms ).

One of the worst livers I ever saw was a fairly early kill.

I shot it on the land of (what was then Hull&District FTC) When I find the cable to my portable HDD I'll pop the image up for you to see.

It was greenish/red/brown/yukky almost rubber like but brittle as well.


The worst Rabbit I ever shot, I didn't even open up! Oh man that was an experiance and a half!

I had a bag full of bunny entrails that I'd taken out of a number of kills (it was a hot day and the flies were rife!!).

I shot this funny looking bunny (behaved a bit odd too), when I went to collect it after taking the shot it was humming :bad: So I chucked it to one side of the hedge a few feet away from the bag of guts. I kid you not :nono: the flies migrated from the smelly hot bag of guts to this one rabbit within minutes (I'm feeling sick just thinking about it!!!).

I've tried finding the posts in the archive on here but no joy as yet.

Again I'll add the pix when I can get to them.



cheers tony if you can find them put them on mate looking forwerd to looking at them then ill no what to throw away if come across some thing like that atvbmac
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It's strange really, Tapeworms can cross into humans and other species such as dogs, foxes etc,.... But none of the worms that infect Pigeons can not infect humans including the Tapeworm!


There are over a thousand different types of tapeworm apparently :icon_eek: The ones that inhabit Mamals can cross into humans, apparently the ones that inhabit the Avian species are harmless to humans (but I would prefere an authoritive conclusion on that).



Big Mac you wanted them here's a few images of various Livers.

One of the first things a meat inspector does when an animal is slaughtered is check the liver.

If the liver shows signs of disease then the carcase of the animal is discarded.

So if the liver is not a deep, almost purple red and the Gall Bladder is not dark green almost black I dont eat them.


Below, I'm not 100% certain of this but I believe this is the start of the journey from the stomach into the liver of some kind of worm. I did find a name for it and the description fitted but it escapes me now.




Again I forget the name of this one, not a worm though




Continued in next post...........

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Here's a couple more



Only Craig AKA Buster was able to give me the name of this one, it's called "Coccidiosis" or among vets "Eimeria stiedae"




More on Liver diseases of bunnies can be found here http://www.rabbit.org/health/liver.html


Finally... This is again a Tapeworm Cyste, but checkout the size! My hands are not small!





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hi tony the first photo of the liver is like the one i shot but with a lot more white in it but the kidneas looked like they had been cooked now i now what to look out for ,its enough to put you off food for life thanks mat atvbmac

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I did take them out and washed it again what do u reckon


I reckon that as the rabbit has to eat something and these eggs dont just appear on the muscle something must work through the meat in order for the eggs to form in the cyste, I Personally would be asking the doctor for medication as a 'precaution' against Tapeworm.

Rabbits are only the intermediate host.

These things can grow the entire length of the intestinal tract and deprive you of nutrients at the least.



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