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Scope fogging up.

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Hey guys, last night i went out with the air rifle to try get some pigeons. A wee while into being out, the inside lens of my scope completely fogged up causing me to have to cut short the trip out, It also did this the night before and i am just wondering if any of yous know why this could be happening and what i can do to prevent this?


ATB Logan.

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Hi LoganSinclair.


You don't mention the make and model of your scope and given the current poor weather temperatures we are having this year, it's very likely you are out in moist, humid air.


It sounds to me like your scope is not filled with Nitrogen. Or it's leaked away empty somehow, over time. This element repels moisture build-up inside the scope; with shifting outside temperatures happening inside the scope's bodytube and keeps the internal faces of the lens from fogging with internal condensation.


There is nothing you can do unless your scope is under warranty and can be refilled by the makers. Or shoot with it in warm, dry weather conditions.


It's probably, for all practical reasons, time you bought a new one I'm afraid!


All the best.


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inside the scope... no nitrogen


outside the scope...weather.



Why can't you give a answer that the Op can actually understand FFS.or don't bother posting.

He has asked a simple question and has got to very good answers!


Then you reply WTF !!!


You do my swede in !!

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Hey guys, last night i went out with the air rifle to try get some pigeons. A wee while into being out, the inside lens of my scope completely fogged up causing me to have to cut short the trip out, It also did this the night before and i am just wondering if any of yous know why this could be happening and what i can do to prevent this?


ATB Logan.


Hi Logan

Above two very good answers, take no notice of Gillies! He is defo not from this planet!

Or he is on the herbal medicine far to often!!


I had this happen to one of my scopes, I took it back and they gave me a replacement.

So check if it's still under warranty



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oh no fair doodies!


i couldnt have put it much simpler...


my scopes fogging up?


reply..if its inside the nitrogens gone if the fogging is out side....lmao!!!


you can get them redun, my 10-50 side wheel even has a little port hole to purge.. they all leek eventualy. depends how much you payed on the scope.



nar then...the herbals? neh, pain killers, having a luverly weekend of stonned offum face in agaony to mild discumfort, followed by falling about the place every so aften, for the height of exsightment i'm watching a battery charge.... avidly!!! haha NOT!!!


every little creek is launching me as i jump at it... hmmm weed doesnt sound a good idia to me, i think a dose of paranoa would just finish me off.



hey cummon guys, you only have to read it, i have to write the crap.. :whistling:



last edit.. no-body lub's me..sob sob :cray:



heheheheh!!!!! displectics rule ko.. :victory::thumbs::laugh:

Edited by ghillies
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had a quick google..






hmmm, you used to be able to get the kits to do your own scopes, but the googles not comeing up with much. theres also argon, i'd try a couple of gun shops and see what prices theyre comeing up with, hense the how much did you pay for the scope.


basicaly as it gets darker all the scopes i've had apart, or some one else has dismembered go 'grey' before they should in the twighlight. a fresh bought scope still looks fresh an hour after the no nonitrogen scopes have packed up.(considring the best rabbiting time..you missed it basically)

meanwhile as the air cools the scope metal and glass collects moisture in the form of mist or fogging up the insides of the lenses, the nitrogen stops or greatly reduces it. if the fogging is on the outside of the lenses its probably just literaly misting due to dew or plain old foggy glasses type of thing.

(theres anti misting sprays and the likes for this, but..it's quite often down to the glass type or lens coatings etc, hinting on the price bracket of the scope.)


any scope that isnt completly sealed will eventualy start fogging up because the purge gas leaks out and the rest leeks in 'ish. so, if youve got an adjustable eye peace, a paralex, a turret etc, its a breach area. (theres been hints that the external fogging is the first sign that the scope needs purging again, but...i'm dubious that its just that simple.)


gnight all...

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