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Waste and Dishonour


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Good post again mate, and youre so right about the folk in india,they were amongst the nicest and spiritually sound folks I've ever spent time with. Although I've often described goans as a bunch of pirates, but you'd have to spend a couple of months working with the shifty but great fun fellas to understand lol

I found the tribes folk in northern thailand to be the most humane, ecological and just plain lovely folk its ever been my good fortune to share life time with, and if you ever need about a million uses for bamboo,definitely the folks to ask..

Once again,i admire your lifestyle choices miles and as the cold weather looms I remember an old survival course saying-the white man stays warm twice by finding wood and sitting near the fire, the red man builds a small fire and sites nearer...


Looking forwards very much to meeting you at the meet, all the very best, wurz

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Good post again mate, and youre so right about the folk in india,they were amongst the nicest and spiritually sound folks I've ever spent time with. Although I've often described goans as a bunch of pirates, but you'd have to spend a couple of months working with the shifty but great fun fellas to understand lol

I found the tribes folk in northern thailand to be the most humane, ecological and just plain lovely folk its ever been my good fortune to share life time with, and if you ever need about a million uses for bamboo,definitely the folks to ask..

Once again,i admire your lifestyle choices miles and as the cold weather looms I remember an old survival course saying-the white man stays warm twice by finding wood and sitting near the fire, the red man builds a small fire and sites nearer...


Looking forwards very much to meeting you at the meet, all the very best, wurz




Bamboo scaffolding flexing in the wind and under load is a sight to see!!


Thanks Wurz!

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Thanks for the opportunity and the food for thought Tony. I hope the links were of use and apologise I could not answer in more depth. This is partly due to relating only that which I have personally tested and experienced as opposed to regurgitating what i have read or been told, as well as being limited in knowledge and imagination. Perhaps others may contribute, in this or other threads, and further the education of us all. It is certainly an area i wish to follow up in future posts most likely over the coming winter.

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