omar 41 Posted September 27, 2012 Report Share Posted September 27, 2012 Thought i'd come on and ask advice to see if anyone has come across this and if there is any come back . I'll start by telling you what happened to my old dog (8 1/2 yrs old) . Took him out for a run the other night on the lamp with another dog, slipped them both on a rabbit - within a 100 yards my dog has gone down screaming and spinning on his back legs ( like he broke his back ) my first thought was that the other dog has collided with him and done his legs or worse . Got to the dog and settled him and checked him over, there was no obvious breaks but the dog would not stand and was very distressed . Anyway got him back home and to the vets, they have x-rayed his back half and there is no breaks and said it could be heavy bruising & they keep him in ( that was tuesday ). Went back too see him after the first day, he looked a lot more comfortable but drugged up with pain killers. Went back tonight to see him and have a chat with the vet (different one this time) he ask how it happend . When i explained that i did not see the dogs collided he mentioned that it could be a spinal haemorrhage and that it can happen at any time in a dogs life just out of the blue. Now i'm not in the financial position to throw money at the vet to get all the tests done and to be truthful don't think i would . So i'm hoping on the heavy bruising and with lots of rest and drugs he will be able to walk on all fours again . Thanks for reading and anyone that has had a dog that has had bad back injury that has manage to get mobile again let me know, that would be great . ATB. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
foxfan 479 Posted September 27, 2012 Report Share Posted September 27, 2012 Oh shit m, what a bummer, you must be gutted mate. Fingers crossed that the old boy makes a complete recovery. Talk to you saturday. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
MissRhianL 70 Posted September 28, 2012 Report Share Posted September 28, 2012 A friend of mine had something similar happen to his dog, i cant remember exactly what happened on how he did the injury but a friend was out with another friend of mine lamping and had a phone call to say that the dog was in a lot of pain, couldnt stand, having trouble walking and every time you touched him he would scream, he wouldnt stand up in his kennel to dirty. I said to him the dog has probably done something and slipped a disc in his spine, so he went to the vets had it all Xrayed and it did come back that it was a slipped disc but couldnt be certain whether the dog would be able to run again so due to the pain he was in he had him put to sleep. I know its not the same sort of thing as your dog went through but i think best thing you can do is read up on afew things about spinal heamorrage so that it will give you some knowledge in what your dog is dealing with and could also help you to find ways in how to help and assist the injury in the rehabilitation phase. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
johnrthrfrd 223 Posted September 29, 2012 Report Share Posted September 29, 2012 Got a beddy bitch about 2 year ago she was just playing on a flat field when she went down howling and couldent stand up took her straight to the vet she was given pain killers and anti imflamitarys when she had a x ray was found that 2 discs had slipped and were practically side by side trapping her spinal cord it was like a z they didn't give her much hope but she eas only young and I thought she deserved a chance so she was kept on the medication and referred to a chiropractor couldent walk for about 2 weeks but then things started to come back 2 years on she still gets out loves nowt better than a bit of ratting and ferreting only thing is her left leg seems to go out wards when she walks still goes to the chiropractor every 6 month for her back massaged and checked but she is fine, they say she doesn't need to go but she enjoys it .the vet at first said she would never be right again and would always have to be on the lead but she proved them all wrong. There's always hope glad I didn't give up on her and gave her the chance best of luck with your dog. John. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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