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Adult dogs and steps/stairs

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We'll be moving into a new gaff on Sunday and the front and back gardens are connected by around 20 concrete steps. All of my dogs are adults and any more pups we get will obviously be kept away from going up and down them at a young age. My question is simply, once dogs' hips are fully matured, is it a risk to let them run up and down the steps too frequently?


What do you all advise? One of ours is a Malamute, one a medium Dogo/Pit and the others smaller hunting dog/terrier mixes

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Hello, i dont think it will cause that much of a problem for the dogs, but different breeds are more sceptical to different injuries than others if you get what i mean, as i know alot of alasation breeds it comes a time in their life when they are abit older where it is common for their back end starts going, dont get me wrong not all alasations will have it but it is common in that sort of dog, im not to sure about the breeds you have like your husky but i think you should read up about any common problems that they can come by throughout their life so you can actually see if it will affect them in the longrun but honestly i cant see it being a problem

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Cheers for the advice. My Dogo/Pit and Podenco/terrier will be sound i think 'cos they are hardy working crosses and weigh 24 kg and 14 g respectively so hips shouldn't be a prob. The Malamute is a street mutt, undoubtedly badly bred so will have to be watched. Being a bit older he'll want to fanny about less with regards to playing I reckon, so maybe it'll be a better idea to let the two "performance" bred mutts go at it to take the edge off them when i can't get them out in the mountains.

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