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Grey squirrels

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Hi I have been thinking and seeing a lot about these horrible grey feckers for a while. I am based in somerset and I can not believe the amount of greys squirrels I have been trapping and seeing all around the place. I have spoken to keepers around here and they say the same. They have never seen so many. I wonder why? Is it the same all over the country. What do you guys think and have you had any problems. I have caught over 80 squirrels in one trap since may!! Never had that many before. Working more traps now and still coming in thick and fast. I recon we all need to do are part and send these greys back to America?? Any way interested to hear what you've got to stay. Best snatch

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Same here i was trapping them for fun at work

last week i was trapping to let client see the numbers at and around bird feeder,i gave obvious feeder advise but client would rather keep feeders and understood it ,i was dealing with rodent too at the feeder,anyway the client insisted so i commenced,six days with two traps produce 16 squirells all caught at feeder in tree i caught more with other sets around property,my job was done.client shocked at ease and numbers,set traps check often in highly populated areas cos they aint hard to catch,i use to sell squirell to game dealers when doing venison delivery to london,could be a job for a crazy nutkins,i got pound each about 15 years ago.never ate 1,was told its fair.squirell is good fun abundant and easy to catch.
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Hi I have been thinking and seeing a lot about these horrible grey feckers for a while. I am based in somerset and I can not believe the amount of greys squirrels I have been trapping and seeing all around the place. I have spoken to keepers around here and they say the same. They have never seen so many. I wonder why? Is it the same all over the country. What do you guys think and have you had any problems. I have caught over 80 squirrels in one trap since may!! Never had that many before. Working more traps now and still coming in thick and fast. I recon we all need to do are part and send these greys back to America?? Any way interested to hear what you've got to stay. Best snatch

if you got access to good squirell ground set everyway you can,fenn,snare,cage,bodygrips do it all,squirell have few hardcore predators,numbers are good the grey is on a winner here.
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Hi I have been thinking and seeing a lot about these horrible grey feckers for a while. I am based in somerset and I can not believe the amount of greys squirrels I have been trapping and seeing all around the place. I have spoken to keepers around here and they say the same. They have never seen so many. I wonder why? Is it the same all over the country. What do you guys think and have you had any problems. I have caught over 80 squirrels in one trap since may!! Never had that many before. Working more traps now and still coming in thick and fast. I recon we all need to do are part and send these greys back to America?? Any way interested to hear what you've got to stay. Best snatch

if you got access to good squirell ground set everyway you can,fenn,snare,cage,bodygrips do it all,squirell have few hardcore predators,numbers are good the grey is on a winner here.


not if i can help it, just got myself an AA S410, where i am is over-run with them, but i wont be for long!!!

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Woman at work used to feed the birds at weekends i would take her feeder down ,put a body gripper in a tunnel under the feeder and put a biscuit in the back of the cubby you could stand and watch the squirrels getting caught i took 11 over one weekend

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A few facts as I see it:


Bird feeders have not only contributed to an increase in Grey Squirrels, but other pests such as Rats and Corvids (Sparrow Hawks have also benefitted from these 'eat as much as you like for free' places). Little if anything is done to educate people as to the true facts about Grey Squirrels. Most people only see a cute, furry, nut eating little animal, and a lot of the TV wildlife programmes are partly to blame for this :wallbash: .


Urban and semi urban areas where Greys are allowed to live in peace and provided with a year round free food supply act as a reservoir for these and other pests such as Corvids and Rats.


Money is being spent on projects to try and save the native Red Squirrel, but in order to have any chance of success these projects must include plans to try to eradicate the invasive Grey, without which I'm afraid they're doomed.


Over the last six months I've personally accounted for well over 400 greys, and that's just a drop in the ocean, but I'll keep at it and by reading this and similar posts many more people feel the same as me :thumbs:

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Hi I have been thinking and seeing a lot about these horrible grey feckers for a while. I am based in somerset and I can not believe the amount of greys squirrels I have been trapping and seeing all around the place. I have spoken to keepers around here and they say the same. They have never seen so many. I wonder why? Is it the same all over the country. What do you guys think and have you had any problems. I have caught over 80 squirrels in one trap since may!! Never had that many before. Working more traps now and still coming in thick and fast. I recon we all need to do are part and send these greys back to America?? Any way interested to hear what you've got to stay. Best snatch

if you got access to good squirell ground set everyway you can,fenn,snare,cage,bodygrips do it all,squirell have few hardcore predators,numbers are good the grey is on a winner here.


not if i can help it, just got myself an AA S410, where i am is over-run with them, but i wont be for long!!!

i have one myself very nice tool very accurate,squirells look out.
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Landscape boss at work wanted me to do a complete cull , but he wanted a freebie and my boss said i dont care how many squirrels there are your no here to kill them :laugh: . But we moved over from skips to the metal containers with sliding plastic lids and every ones been chewed same as the buckets there a big pest and they seem to be active all year round

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I made a feeder filled with wheat and fixed it to a tree. About 15yrds a way i made a hide. Once the squirrels know they got a free feed they will come from all around to eat from the feeder. All you have to do then is sit in your hide with a flask of tea and pick them off as they come down to feed. Got the idea off of a bloke posting vids on youtube, calls himself 'squirrel hunter' if i remember right.

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