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black pups free

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i have two pups going free if anyone wants to take a chance on them that said i wont just give them to anyone.

i bought them from a chap on here called TOPPER/ROGER.AND HES HAD ME A GOODUN!.

the dam is apparently out of half right dogs but i fear she herself has done very little lol.

then there is the SIRE a black dog called BUSTER owned by somebody else now i did get the nod on him from several people and as it goes he is a decent dog the problem is he,s never been over a bitch lol lol im sat here almost £400 out of pocket and i cant help but laugh..

there 15/16 weeks old i thought i had them spoken for but still waiting

FREE but i cant meet up as im off the road so you,ll have to come to my door.

they might be good for something to someone i couldnt tell you what really sired them only topper knows that!

Edited by SHOT
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i have two pups going free if anyone wants to take a chance on them that said i wont just give them to anyone.

i bought them from a chap on here called TOPPER/ROGER.AND HES HAD ME A GOODUN!.

the dam is apparently out of half right dogs but i fear she herself has done very little lol.

then there is the SIRE a black dog called BUSTER owned by somebody else now i did get the nod on him from several people and as it goes he is a decent dog the problem is he,s never been over a bitch lol lol im sat here almost £400 out of pocket and i cant help but laugh..

there 15/16 weeks old i thought i had them spoken for but still waiting

FREE but i cant meet up as im off the road so you,ll have to come to my door.

they might be good for something to someone i couldnt tell you what really sired them only topper knows that!

mate these sites are a mine feild for buying dogs even pups to many clowns in for the dosh shame the terriers are going to shit cos of it bitchs see 1 season now and there bread off joke :yes:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:good: F*ckin good on ye, mate! Bitchling has it about right. And Martin; What the f*ck good will photo's do, mate? They're " Black " pups. They'll likely look like a thousand other little dark Dogs! :laugh:


One thing that concerns me, Shot; There's layers of blokes out there, aren't there? Some will call a Dog a " Jacker " and a " Shitter " if it doesn't single handedly face " Big Quarry " (:rolleyes:) one after another till the Old King returns. Others will be happy with 'something less demanding' on the weekends. Right down to someone who'll ask nothing more from his terrier than that it goes ballistic for a rat or sniffs out and chases rabbits from the rough.


As ye giving these pups away, all ye can really hope to gain from it is a return pup, should one turn out a heller. The " Hard Men " all seem to talk of giving away such breedings to " Working Homes " anyway?


I'm just hoping ye might be looking more for the sort of guy who'll cherish and take care of ye pups there, what ever they turn out like ;)


None of my f*ckin business, I know. I'm not a " Terrier Man ", let alone a " Hard Man ". But I bought a little bundle of white fur out of a bucket, at a horse sales, a year ago. There's simply not enough cash in circulation now could buy her from me. And all she's done so far is respect my 'stock. Possibly have killed a rat. And most definately given it Large in an effort to get a mink! But, to me, she's The B*llocks! :D


Plenty more guys like me out here, mate. Would ye rather one of us took the pup; Or someone who'll shrug and tell ye they Whacked it eight months from now?


Anyway, like I say ..... So I'll shut up and f*ck off and leave ye to make ye own desicions. Best of luck ~ to those pups.

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Wait a second, the other guy who ended up with one of these pups is doing some detective work to try and find out the farther, think he mite be getting somewhere with it al this shit! And I know for a fact his pup is a little nutter, and it must be a patterdale she was put to! I just don’t understand why anyone would bother not putting a bitch to a good dog in there first place its not as if there is a shortage of good studs.

Edited by blando
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your mate can dig all he wants blando id sooner have no dogs than deal with people like that.

several people have put me right and i trust what they say also spoke to THE OWNER OF THE DOG its his dog and its never lined a bitch.

theres nothing else to be said im gratefull to those that spared me the trouble of bringing his crap on.

both pups are on there way to ratting homes.

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Well daz as i told you when you ordered your pups they were about a week old then, if your not happy with them give me a call and ill have them back you ll have your money and ill look after the pups you had the choice of the litter you could have picked any of those pups but you picked those two and yes i know the dam and sire i bred the sire and the dam is out of chance bred by gavin. there seems to be alot of shit going around about these pups but i know where they all went and all of them are doing fine and there owners are happy with them so YOUR NOT HAPPY THEN CALL ME HAVE YOUR MONEY AND ILL COLLECT THE PUPS GIVE ME YOUR ADDRESS AND ILL BE THERE IN THE MORNIN FAIR ENOUGH!!!!



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right i have just about had enought off this! i am the chap with one of this litter of pup's ,please will and one who knows any thing or that can shed any light on this great big F##K UP pm me and help please

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thats not the attitude you just had on the phone roger as i just told you i was done with the sites but came back on to sort this out..and make some inquirys with certain people, i just told you on the phone i had been ringing your mobile and landline before i posted this thread you say you were at work...

if enough of this rubbish im not interested in who bred what ...

will you openly say on here that you bred the buster dog and he sired those pups??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

refunds dont make it right you keep the money!

edited to add i dont know topper he contacted me regarding the pups after reading i was looking.

if somebody can put josh in the picture as he,s asking me and its not my place to say.

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mate u do right to get rid if the pups if they were not bred the way u were told they were bred nothing worse than rearing a terrier for 16 months best of grub time training it socialiseing it for the dog to be a chucker before u start. and i know what ditch shitter says about everyone has there different needs for terriers but killing rats and hunting rabbits (imo i keep well away from rabbits) does not make a good terrier as u probaly already know even with the best blood its hard going for a earth dog anyway all the best

Edited by stevie g 2005
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i have to agree with you ditch,well said,shot has offerd me one of the bitches, which i will glady colect on saturday ,and she will spend awhile with me young lad ratting and messing about.

then when she is ready we will see if she has abit about her,im not a feckin hard as nail dog man and dont pretend to be either,if she is not up to the job,then no loss and my lad will have a ratter for life wont he.

all the lads on here seem absesed with lines n names etc,which i know helps if you have the right blood,but these very lines they love so much must of started somewhere,with just a good couple of terriers.

im not knocking anyone or there dogs , but give a dog a chance,i have space and time to bring her on and if she doesnt make it only me will have lost out,but if she is keen and does the biussness then shot is very welcome to come and have the pick if she is ever bred from. at least shot has given the bitches a chance even if not what he requires.

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