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Kennelling together - The day will come!

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After ignoring alot of good advice on here telling me not to kennel my 2 bitches together, I went ahead and did just that. They've been happy as larry for 6 months. Only ever had 1 tiny squabble over food (that I've seen anyway) and that was just a bit of snarling.


I always thought "I know my dogs well enough to make the decision" and "they will be ok, I will separate them if they start fighting".


Last night I put them back in the run together after being out for a play in the garden and the second I bolted the run there was hell up. I had only walked 3 steps away, I ran to the run and the lurcher was shaking the terrier like a dead rabbit.


Obviously I intervened and luckily it had only been going on 2/3 seconds and the terrier is OK. Nothing a bit of TLC cant sort. I'd hate to think the outcome if I had been upstairs or not even at home.


Just wanted to express that no matter how long dogs have lived together and how well you think they get on, sooner or later there could be a fatality.







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i think thats the point mate, dogs stuck togeather in kennels 24/7 are far more likely to have problems than dogs in a routine that keeps them occupied and mentally stimulated

It wasn't so long ago that we were reading on here about some boy's saluki being killed by his rottweiller. People always think 'it will never happen with my dogs, I know my own dogs' until it does..

yes they are pack animals true, but the (wolf,wild,dingo etc...) are very differnt type animal in (temp) to your (Domecticated) pet dog.I know hounds are kept together maybe 20 at a time, but they

You were lucky there mate, I've never had it happen as I kennel seperate but I've thought about kenneling together in the past and changed my mind when you see subtle signs of friction between them. Just because dogs will work/play together doesn't mean they will sleep together in harmony.

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it does depend on the dogs mate. you have to remember dogs are pack animals and love to be with other dogs. it sounds as your terrier has the don't back down at all cost attitude. this can be fatal when it comes to forming a higheracy (spelling).doesn't sound like kenneling has work for you. on the flip side i keep my three lurchers and my little russel bitch together no problems at all( FIVE YEARS ON) and three beagles together in a seperate run.sorry to hear about that mate . atb RAW. oh yeah they are all bitches

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it does depend on the dogs mate. you have to remember dogs are pack animals and love to be with other dogs. it sounds as your terrier has the don't back down at all cost attitude. this can be fatal when it comes to forming a higheracy (spelling).doesn't sound like kenneling has work for you. on the flip side i keep my three lurchers and my little russel bitch together no problems at all( FIVE YEARS ON) and three beagles together in a seperate run.sorry to hear about that mate . atb RAW. oh yeah they are all bitches

i also kennel together without to many problems, depends alot on the dogs themselves. i have a father and son been together since the son was 8 weeks old, be 5 this december. i have had a few problems but not with kenneling them together. infact if i seperate them they whine constantly untill their reunuted. The key is maintaining pack hierarchy.
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Gaz: you ignored the advice and your terrier very nearly paid the price. Sorry to sound harsh, but it was always going to happen between two bitches. Trouble is, you probably won't be able to rest easy, EVER AGAIN, when they are loose together. Not trying to by funny, but why ignore the advice given to you by people who had experience of this kind of thing in the first place?

I just feel sorry for the dogs, especially the terrier, who may suffer an attitude change towards bigger dogs from now on.

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I did try and warn you mate only through my own expercinces. BUT too be fair too you we all thought like that at one time people give you a bit of advice and we've done the opposite it's the way we learn... But you were luck you never lost the terreir too be honest and it might start a on going rift with them two....



Best of luck matey kennel tthem on there own and you'll have nothing too worrie about......

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it does depend on the dogs mate. you have to remember dogs are pack animals and love to be with other dogs. it sounds as your terrier has the don't back down at all cost attitude. this can be fatal when it comes to forming a higheracy (spelling).doesn't sound like kenneling has work for you. on the flip side i keep my three lurchers and my little russel bitch together no problems at all( FIVE YEARS ON) and three beagles together in a seperate run.sorry to hear about that mate . atb RAW. oh yeah they are all bitches


yes they are pack animals true, but the (wolf,wild,dingo etc...) are very differnt type animal in (temp) to your (Domecticated) pet dog.I know hounds are kept together maybe 20 at a time, but they have been bred for temp to live in peace for 200 years . Dont forget in the wild the above (arnt) sleeping all (close together) they have lots of room from each other, could be 20ft apart ,still a pack but they got room from each other .And to me this is where the prob is, dogs like there (own space) i know lads like pauls it works, but feck me it only take 1 bad day and you could have a dead dog . I used to have kelpie x grey bitch , and my old bitsa bitch, my old bitch was ok if dogs left her alone, if not she would fight them.The kelpiex was 12 months old, the old bitch 9 years old.The kelpiex was simlar temp to the old bitch, so i kept them in differnt kennels. 1 day went out to the shops , left the wife with them in the house, dont know what happened but the kelpiex flew at the old bitch, and got her round the head.,thats what i saw when i walked back in and the wife screaming, she couldnt get the kelpiex of the old bitch and both were only 50 odd lbs. i got the twat of and threw her outside, now if this had been in a kennel, there is no dout she would have killed the old bitch .And this what happens sooner or later the young dog waits its chance to come top dog , keep them separate :yes:

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Like stated I think it's how u bring them on and wether you have had them since pup , when my bull grey was 13 month I decided to have another pup an everyone said not to kenel together as the bull would kill it but 5 weeks old he was [bANNED TEXT] I put him in with the bull and they kennelled everyday since for 2 years + not one problem but the sal grey got killed buy a horse so I had another bull pup and hes 8 month now and he's been with him since and still no problem I also got 2 patts in with them and they fine , all my life I have kennelled dogs together and found it works well for me and forgot to mention one patt is a bitch I only separate her [bANNED TEXT] she's in season , I think a lot have had problems with keneling together and alot haven't I think it's just the way the cookie crumbles

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Like stated I think it's how u bring them on and wether you have had them since pup , when my bull grey was 13 month I decided to have another pup an everyone said not to kenel together as the bull would kill it but 5 weeks old he was [bANNED TEXT] I put him in with the bull and they kennelled everyday since for 2 years + not one problem but the sal grey got killed buy a horse so I had another bull pup and hes 8 month now and he's been with him since and still no problem I also got 2 patts in with them and they fine , all my life I have kennelled dogs together and found it works well for me and forgot to mention one patt is a bitch I only separate her [bANNED TEXT] she's in season , I think a lot have had problems with keneling together and alot haven't I think it's just the way the cookie crumbles


Totally disagree, makes no difference, working breeds especailly should be kenneled singley, they can be harmonious for years and something trivial will start what can often be a fatal kennel fight. Sorry i have leanrt my lesson thinking like this, one dog=one kennel...............

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Like stated I think it's how u bring them on and wether you have had them since pup , when my bull grey was 13 month I decided to have another pup an everyone said not to kenel together as the bull would kill it but 5 weeks old he was [bANNED TEXT] I put him in with the bull and they kennelled everyday since for 2 years + not one problem but the sal grey got killed buy a horse so I had another bull pup and hes 8 month now and he's been with him since and still no problem I also got 2 patts in with them and they fine , all my life I have kennelled dogs together and found it works well for me and forgot to mention one patt is a bitch I only separate her [bANNED TEXT] she's in season , I think a lot have had problems with keneling together and alot haven't I think it's just the way the cookie crumbles


Totally disagree, makes no difference, working breeds especailly should be kenneled singley, they can be harmonious for years and something trivial will start what can often be a fatal kennel fight. Sorry i have leanrt my lesson thinking like this, one dog=one kennel...............

I'm not going to dissagree with you for one reason everyone to they own if it works for u stick to it that's what I say

Atb huntmad.

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I learned the hard way, like most people, many years ago: two terrier bitches which had lived in harmony for years: one was 6 and the other 7. The Lakie upped and killed the Russell one day, and the only reason I could think of was that the Russell was about to come in season, and the Lakie thought she shouldn't. And the two bitches weren't even confined to a kennel: they were in a very large garden of 35 metres in length with several kennels dotted about the place. Finding your best worker dying is not something anyone would ever risk again.

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Like stated I think it's how u bring them on and wether you have had them since pup , when my bull grey was 13 month I decided to have another pup an everyone said not to kenel together as the bull would kill it but 5 weeks old he was [bANNED TEXT] I put him in with the bull and they kennelled everyday since for 2 years + not one problem but the sal grey got killed buy a horse so I had another bull pup and hes 8 month now and he's been with him since and still no problem I also got 2 patts in with them and they fine , all my life I have kennelled dogs together and found it works well for me and forgot to mention one patt is a bitch I only separate her [bANNED TEXT] she's in season , I think a lot have had problems with keneling together and alot haven't I think it's just the way the cookie crumbles


Totally disagree, makes no difference, working breeds especailly should be kenneled singley, they can be harmonious for years and something trivial will start what can often be a fatal kennel fight. Sorry i have leanrt my lesson thinking like this, one dog=one kennel...............

I'm not going to dissagree with you for one reason everyone to they own if it works for u stick to it that's what I say

Atb huntmad.

As I should mention they are only kennelled fro 11 ish till 8 ish then they are either out with me out back or indoors

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