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Hazel tree

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  On 25/09/2012 at 08:44, Ryan_b_09 said:

Many thanks for your replys. So I'm best cutting it novber and leaving it how long to dry out?


If you cut them in November, leave them in a cool dry place where air can circlate around them they will be ready by next season. The best way is to tie them in small bundles and either stand them upright or lay them flat on the floor or a shelf.




Edited to add:


It does not have to be hazel, as long as the sticks are the right diameter and fairly straight almost any wood will do the job, Willow, Sweet chestnut, Ash all make good pegs. I have some Rowan that I am going to cut this winter to try.




Edited by tiercel
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  On 25/09/2012 at 21:32, Giro said:

Fella you can just crack on and use it..


I have never seasoned hazel :victory:

+1. If you cut it green though its easy to srtip the bark straight off them if you want, as it very often wrinkles and cracks anyway. You are then left with neat little pegs. Cutting them later and the bark is ok.

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I often just cut it and use it, its not green in colour I may just be ignorant however to appears tree colour :laugh: .


I have never lost the bark of any lenghts I have cut.. Cut some at the begining of Setember as I recieved a new net, as it need pegs I just went and cut some..

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i honestly think hazel an such pegs are trampy for purse nets lol, dont know why they just look like daft, however i do use em for long nets, i peel aboot 2 inch off the bark off the top so i can see em, an obviously a point on the other, i onl use em small tho 24 inches max, but i set me longnets a lot shorter then most the other folks i seen, but when cutting it i always use it straight away an never had a problem

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