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Bye bye Hamza...

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im not one for taring people with the same brush but when it comes to rag heads im sorry but i find it impossible not to, the muslim faith is intolerant to western culture, hence the rising number of

There orange jump suits will be awaiting them. They will never leave the states again.

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They should give all the Yank prisoners a DVD to watch of all the bile he has spouted over the years......get them nice and ready for his arrival. Going to be a long hard lesson for the rest of his days....unlucky ya hook handed mother f****r!!!... :boogy:

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Locked up all day in solitary, everyday for the rest of his life. The only thing to break the insanity inducing boredom will be trips for a good old session of water boarding and a beating.




And frequent trips to the potting shed. :laugh:

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Let's be truthful this shouldve happened a long while ago, but it hasn't because this country is weak!!


I wouldn't say we are weak, just not dominant. We can't do what the f**k we want and expect it not to have repercussions. We played the game and got the result desired without causing ourselves excess agro from other nations. The Americans may well do what the f**k they want, but that's one of the perks of being the most powerfull nation on this planet. The Yanks aren't gonna stand shoulder to shoulder with us forever, just as long as we are of use to them. When that time comes we had better not have pissed off too many others by playing dirty.

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Hope hes taking his wife and brats with him or are we still paying for them?.


Well one son will be staying...




Reading that the lot of them want deporting.


If genuine stastistics were formed id bet 70% or serious crime in the UK is committed by immigrants of the past 20 years,


This tells us something.


As a Nation we have welcomed the wrong type of Human Being.

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He will never see another prisoner. He will be mentally tortured, speared for all the information they can get from him. Then discarded and left to Rot. Which is well overdue for that horrible c**t. It's just a pity our politicians allowed him to get away with it for so long. More concerned about the backlash from the Muslim communities, if we came down hard. When they going to realise its way past that stage. They already consider us the enemy, they bring up these daft things like calling it Xmas and other traditions as insult. They couldn't give a shit about that. All they are doing is testing us. See how far they can push us, and also ridiculing us and making us look lapdogs to the rest of the world. Not to mention driving a wedge between the USA and uk. Our security services aren't as close as we once were. And who can blame them really. We do pander to these extremists. What's the governent afraid of? Upset the Muslim communities and they lose the towns And streets, possibly leading to total civil unrest and a race war. Well parliament , you lost the f*****g streets and towns a long time ago, and that war WILL happen One day . Maybe best if you started preparing for it , rather than f*****g it up for us all.

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