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lurcher pup retreiving

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  On 24/09/2012 at 11:43, bratton said:

hi there ive got a 5 month old colliex pup and she started retreiving but shjust suddenly stopped now shes no interested at all ive tried rabbit dummies balls etc and also tried getting her tugging it but she just shows no interest any help cheers

she's very young, if she was having interaction with you but has now stopped i would gamble its a relationship issue , pups dont suddenly decide we dont interest them anymore something else has been thrown into the mix, work on the relationship, build trust, dont confront or disciple, manage her

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In my experience, all pups, no matter what breed or type, have the instinct to carry stuff in their mouths, BUT if something happens, or more often, the owner does something which make the pup feel uncomfortable about coming to them carrying something, this can upset the whole retrieving apple cart. I NEVER tell pups off: I never say bad dog, or 'NO!' to them, no matter what they are doing. If the pup comes along carrying one of the kid's toys, or my best shoe, or even a piece of dead, rotting carcase, or worse still, a piece of shit in its mouth, I never tell it off.


A pup has no concept of right or wrong, it is only being a dog, doing dog things with dog instincts. Like jumping up at you, for example: it is a natural thing for a pup to do, but most owners want to stop this, especially if the pup lives in the house with kids: even telling the pup off for scrabbling at your legs, jumping up, can have a negative effect on your relationship with it.

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At 5 months you pup will be teething.Just let it be a pup for the next month untill it;s teeth are properly through.It can be quite painful and can upset there stomachs.Start of with gentle tug games untill he/she is pushing the toy into your hand,and then teach the release command.You will soon have a retrieving crazed pup again.

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