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if people are infear of there dogs being stolen why dont the chip them

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A microchip is a form of identification only, it does not determine legal ownership.

Think they extended it mate to give people time to get all there dogs done could be wrong I'm very rearlly right lol

well some chance is better then no chance in finding them

Guest thebigdog

just wondering how is it legal in ni to hunt hares but down south its illegal and the sam in the uk how does this one work ?


the 2004 hunting act covers england and wales only, scotland have their own hunting act from 2002 i think, the north of Ireland doesn't have a hunting act. every thing bar broc is fair game :thumbs:

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Lived in France a few years back and our dogs had tatoos on their inner thighs. It is a legal requirement in France for all dogs to be either chipped or tatooed but they suggest the thigh rather than the ear after thieves began cutting off the ears that were marked. Course the dog has to be found before you can check its mark regardless of what or where it is.

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just wondering how is it legal in ni to hunt hares but down south its illegal and the sam in the uk how does this one work ?


the 2004 hunting act covers england and wales only, scotland have their own hunting act from 2002 i think, the north of Ireland doesn't have a hunting act. every thing bar broc is fair game :thumbs:

deer is illegal in the north with dogs unless you have a licence (staghound packs)

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