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An hour out tonight

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Inspired by the recent spate of decent posts I thought I'd put something up.


I took Willow out for an hour locally tonight. She did well although her retrieve, especially on the first rabbit of the night, still needs work. She ran six and caught five but fumbled one and it got away. She took a bit of a tumble on the second to last one and came back holding her paw up on the last one hence we called it a night. She doesnt seem sore on it now but i hosed it off and gave her a rub down anyway so fingers crossed its nothing major. I tried to take pictures a couple of times but they were crap so its just the usual end of night line up im afraid.


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Westy - no a different place, gonna leave that one til the grass is shorter.


Cantona - on her first retrieve she sometimes mouths it and stops short. We used to have a mexican stand off where she'd stand five yards away and i'd demand she brought it all the way back. She always gave in eventually and i didnt so now she knows she has to bring it to me, just on the first rabbit she tries her luck. Usually her retrieve is fine after that, i've found the more runs she gets the faster her retrieve becomes. Shes not perfect but im pleased enough with her.

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