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few pictures with the hw97k

Lewis Ste

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i havent really been posting alot about my hunting trips as with having an iphone the pictures are to large to upload straight from it so tonight while everyone is out i managed to get onto my girlfriends computer and resize afew pictures.


the trip out today down at the water works:

with the day planned on going down to northallerton gun show to browse some out of price range air rifles then a trip over to stooksley show as the weather was decent with a few mates. but going out last night down the town and having afew to many the lad who was suppost to be driving us had been told by his mother than he still stinks of drink and not a chance he would be allow to drive ensured the days was cancilled us, but with nothing else really to do we couldnt go ferreting as the cover is still to high me and tom (best mate whos has the next farm over to my girlfriends) decided we would go out shooting with the air rifles to the water works. we set about the trek over the feilds back to my girlfriends where the guns where and checked the zeros of the hw97k .22 and bsa ultra m/s .177 we set of over the feilds to the water work which is the next two farms over. we arrived at the farm and let the farmers wife know then walked over and set up camp over two different warrens he had the ultra as it would of been easier for him to be more accurate with that and me with the hw97k .22 id have abit of range time on my range down the side of the wood (il stick a pic up) last weekend out to 35-40 yards with hw97 so felt quite comfortable shooting that instead. anyway there was aload of crashing about in the trees then i spotted and long fluffy tail and knew a squiral may be on the cards i watched it for around 10mins no not paying much attension to where i should of so then i looked round i saw a rabbit but couldnt position myself quickley enough before it spotted me and took of. another 10mins and it was back out and i had him in my scope i knew it was around my zero range so just aimed bang on and straight he went and with good reason a nice placed shot


, then second came shortly after around the same distance so as i went to pick it up i scared afew coming up the bank so thought id go for a walk. i sore about 6 rabbits all sat out and then was the big blue drums between me and them so i stalked down the side and peered around the side there was one around 10yards away and shot straight in the bush taking another 3 buddies with him. there was another to sitting tight until i tryed to get seated and one spotted me so the last two shot in. i sat there for 15mins and waited to see if anymore would pop out but none did so i got back up and headed for another promissing place with pro-at-missing being the key word and missed a standing shot around the 25yards mark which i had kicked myself for. i carried on walking down and sore some movement at the bottem of the bank and surly enough it was a rabbit head around 27yards or otherwise known as my zero range but never shot downwards i aimed just below the back of the head towards the neck as he was facing away from me and fell over no problem from the standing position which had boosted confidence so after making the climb down to pick up the rabbit i walked back to my mate who had shot one with the ultra and was amazed at the accuracy having not fired a pcp before. we sat there for alittle while and walked the feilds back home about half 5.


its not letting me post anymore so i keep posting more pictures



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That's brilliant shooting young fella. Great to read up on what a fellow can do with some proper kit.....(I refer to the HW97, naturally!)


Nicely done Lewis. Great shooting, great pics and very enjoyable write-up.


With compliments and regards.



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That's brilliant shooting young fella. Great to read up on what a fellow can do with some proper kit.....(I refer to the HW97, naturally!)


Nicely done Lewis. Great shooting, great pics and very enjoyable write-up.


With compliments and regards.




Thanks Simon means a lot!



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