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Starting pups


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With the season just started / starting and many have started a new pup, but how old are your pups at the start of the season and how are they preforming so far? Do you think you've started too earlie or have they done better than you thought?



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just reading through topic but cana help to notice lots break there young uns with another , perhaps its me and the way i am socially but its the one animal all the way for from start. Ibelieve the b

This pup of mine is ten month and I've got her catching on the lamp, no great numbers just a rabbit or two for the ferts and then home. I've also got her hunting up now which she's not bad at and on h

10mth and doing as good as expected from a pup..she got her first heat out of the way at 8mth old and is maturing up nice..still a few puppy moment now and again but on the whole i am happy..i started

This pup of mine is ten month and I've got her catching on the lamp, no great numbers just a rabbit or two for the ferts and then home. I've also got her hunting up now which she's not bad at and on her first trip out ferreting she marked and left the ferrets alone. As for how she's doing the fact she's half Brittany and scatty as a squirrel I'm just glad she's catching.

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This pup of mine is ten month and I've got her catching on the lamp, no great numbers just a rabbit or two for the ferts and then home. I've also got her hunting up now which she's not bad at and on her first trip out ferreting she marked and left the ferrets alone. As for how she's doing the fact she's half Brittany and scatty as a squirrel I'm just glad she's catching.


and what a cracking looking dog she is mate credit to you, i think that is the trick just a small hand full of runs "little and often" as they say as to many pups are ruined by toooo much too quick.

what do you mean when you say you've got her hunting up ?? as when i was younger and into lurchers "hunting up" was something undesirable as it ment that they were huntin feet / yards in front of other dogs / guns.

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I took a 8 month old pup in 3 months ago in the worst state,spent the last 3 months sorting him out and he's had a couple of runs on the lamp in the last 2 weeks and couldn't be happier with him.

Not bred as a rabbiting dog but taken to them really well,makes me smile every time we go out.

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Mines 8mth, he hasnt seen owt yet and wont be tried till after xmas, plan on bringing him along ferreting and if I bring the bitch lamping he might be let tag along

thats the kinda awkward age mines was last year, had a few nights at the back end of last season and did ok but this year will tell

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Had my 9 1/2 month old pup out last night to watch my big dog working on lamp. Ended up giving him few slips as had few bunnies which could walk him right up on to. He ended up with 1 out of 3 runs. So well pleased , but he Won't be back out this side of xmas as I'm in no hurry to start him proper.

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had my 13 month old for his first night lamping last week, was able to get him a couple of squatters and even standing right on top of them he didt seem interested. but went for a mooch then next day and he picked up his first rabbit,, he isnt the sharpest tool in the box so will probably just take a bit longer to switch on but there isnt any rush yet still early in the season

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Exactly same with my mine,iv got an 11 month old saluki grey,think I'm going have to leave him a bit longer.He seems keen at times,then at other times only runs half hearted.I thought he was ready, but obviously not.I'm going to take mine ferreting this weekend,see if I can get him a couple of droppers,may be keen him up a bit.

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10mth and doing as good as expected from a pup..she got her first heat out of the way at 8mth old and is maturing up nice..still a few puppy moment now and again but on the whole i am happy..i started mooching her a about with the lamp a while ago to get her recall and jumping in the dark sorted..and i have just started her on the lamp for bunnies..so here's hoping she keep's progressing in a positive way.. :thumbs:

Edited by Millet
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